Life, Cosplay and maybe a slight rant.

Jun 02, 2008 22:49

Havent been on here for a LONG time. Been working a lot, and it has really run me down, I am just so exhusted - which has lead me to get sick. So now I have a cold, and I am absolutely tried. Today at work all I wanted to do it go home, and sleep. Might call in sick tomorrow, and just bum around at home, and finally start on my cosplays.

Speaking of cosplays, I have decided what I am going to do for rest of the year - will be using one of my cosplays twice. For AVCON, I will be going as Devitt from D.Gray-man, I am absolutely excited to do this one, I LOVE the character he is so cute and a little prick lawl. For Manifest, I will be doing three cosplays. For Amaranth and the Friday I will be going as Kurai in her Black Wedding dress from Angel Sancturay, Saturday, JesDevi from D.Gray-man and on Sunday I will be reusing my Devitt cosplay. ^^ I have a lot of work to do.

Also I have been working on my heath and diet. Since I started last Sunday I have lost nearly 2kg, I have cut out soft drink completely, and chocolate almost completely, have one every now and then lawl. but yes, I plan to slim down for Manifest ^^

Now for my rant: It has dawned on me, that I need to do something other from working, get to know more people. I mean two of my good friends have found boyfriends through social things, like uni and such. But I don't go to Uni, or tafe or school - I work, I am with the same people all the time, they are workmates to me. And I really don't know many people outside of work either, most people I know live interstate. The only place where I really meet other people is at conventions, but then again, I cosplay, and the prospect of someone falling for me - for my personality and not who I cosplay, is close to nill - especially since I tend to cosplay boys a lot  =_=
Am I going to alone for the rest of my life?

life, work, cosplay, love life

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