Maybe if you had taken the thinking cap off BEFORE you put your pirate hat on, Eric, you would look more like Jack Sparrow and less like an idiot.
Remus died :(
I'm sorry, weren't you meant to be in
Why do I buy these for my sims? They only ever make me want to throw things at my screen.
They are the nerdiest couple ever.
Except for when Eric takes a break to AUTONOMOUSLY chat online. I've created a monster D:
It's time for Heidi to grow up. Sam is high on life or something in the background.
Well ok.
You make babies now :D
I just like this picture.
Don't hate her 'cause she's beautiful, betch.
She may be beautiful in a wrinkly, elastin-lacking kind of way, but she also smells and nobody will talk to her. Sam just makes the situation worse by having some awesome conversation on the phone.
The social bunny got his head impaled by a chair on the way down.
Maybe this is why nobody likes you, Tammy.
Aren't you meant to cheer her up and be more assertive? Failure.
Gawd, she is just so fierce.
This is just bordering on creepy for several reasons.
Tammy paints a pretty little picture of a river. I guess she's learnt to deal with her demons.
Oh. Guess not.
Yeah yeah, pop.
Tammy takes to chatting online. Eric's influence is spreading D:
It's totally normal to have nightmares about people you've never met before, Eric. I guess I would too if they looked like that.
Labourrrr. At least someone actually showed up this time.
And it's a little boy, Aidan. Kaylynn's about to put him on the floor in this picture. A+
Idk idk.
You insane whore. Not only are you revealing a little too much boob and a little too much crotch, you're just an asshole in general.
Despite everything, Eric remains a good father, if not secretly hiding a doll fetish.
Heidi grows up.
She's cute.
She heads straight to the computer to talk online. At least we know who her father is.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Heidi likes to dance with people.
She also thinks she'll be a dab hand at selling lemonade. Hah.
Well then. I guess she proved me wrong.
Holy crap, what did you put in that lemonade, Heidi?
So ~*~skilled~*~
"My lemonade is da shit!"
Fo shizzle.
This was supposed to be a friendly game of catch. Lemonade brings out Tammy's repressed anger.
Kaylynn is in awe. She also proves she can catch.
Sam invites the Garden Club over.
I guess this is part of his ploy to make his garden look like a fun place.
She's gonna be so fierce when she grows up. I love her.
Welcome back wishing well. I missed you.
Sam tucks Heidi in. How sweet.
Apparently his ~touch~ makes her think of potties, though. Ok then.
Remember me saying that Heidi likes to dance with people? Yeah I was pretty serious in that statement.
Why, Tammy? Why?
Lol I had to kick her out for Aidan's birthday. Sam is not so high anymore, but instead is thinking about gold. Selling the child? Pidgeoto? I don't know, either.
Lol ok then.
Unless there is a colony of wizards living on Saturn, I'm pretty sure you're on the wrong topic, Tammy.
WHORE. I swear I'm gonna fire you.
She came back 2 seconds later to kick the trashcan over. Kaylynn did nothing but look demure.
Even though they both graduated years ago, apparently the school cheer is still groovy or hip or rad or whatever word they used back in Sam and Eric's generations.
"Whatever you do, don't mention birds around your grandmother. She's nuts!"
Nuts is the understatement of the year. Let's try senile, shall we?
This is what happens when you leave pork in the oven to go have a spongebath for the SECOND TIME.
And I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance!
"Dear diary, today I wrote in my diary."
Here's to hoping Sam isn't heading in Tammy's general direction.
Heidi is normally a total ray of sunshine, but a brat when it comes to her little brother.
Lol I love it.
Seriously though, that face is just begging to be teased.
Apparently Heidi has 400 little friends that I never made her interact with. She regularly gets phone calls from some girl she hasn't even met.
I think blocks are a little past their stage of development, but Heidi is thrilled.
Considering her father is talking to someone about school, I guess I'm not surprised.
Next stop on the trainwreck that is Tammy, filling the fountain with soap. The fun never ends.
I'm more concerned that Aidan's wearing pink pyjamas. Even more concerned that I didn't do anything about it.
Yet walking in on your parents woohooing is always more traumatising. I predict Aidan will be a twisted kid.
Dancing is Heidi's life story.
Tammy attempts to catch butterflies.
And much to my surprise, she actually succeeds. Are we on the road to recovery?
Someone invited the headmaster over, but he left before anyone could greet him. Instead he checked Tammy out. He doesn't know what lies beneath that pallid exterior.
Yay, aspiration failure.
I think Tammy should be of greater concern, but you know.
I'm pretty sure you're mother isn't listening to you right now, Heidi.
What a surprise.
The most perfect time for any child to enter the family.
Especially when it's father will be having more important conversations with a ball.
Kaylynn invites the headmaster over again, and this time the kids get in. No more aspiration failure for you!
Does she pull these kids out of that toybox or something?
Aidan grows up. He isn't so bad, but he's got Kaylynn's features fo sho.
The first thing he does is jumps on the bed, probably to spite me and his shitty growth and get taken away by the social worker.
I'm so unshocked by Heidi's ability to hug.
Unshocked isn't even a word. Gawd.