First: watch
this. Then: read
this. Now: join with me in crying like a girl and sighing like the massive gayist i know i am.
Drastically Redefining Protocol by Rage Prufrock
Modern day Merlin AU that is so painfully made of squish that i've probably broken something sighing, and hugging myself, and sighing again, and clasping my hands to my bosom, and maybe wiping away a tear or two.
Did i mention the sighing?
i know wot i didn't mention. MULTIMEDIA. ZOMG WE LOVES IT, PRECIOUS. YES WE DO.
Like nothing on Earth i love the multimedia and this, well. Zoetrope did the trailer. Nuff said, right there. And there are tabloid articles and ONTD! screencaps and pictures of Arthur's iPhone.
There's nothing that makes you feel more British than a good Royal scandal spread across all the papers. i'm feeling madly patriotic all of a sudden.