Tread the Precipice - chapter 10

Jun 23, 2009 13:53

Title: Tread the Precipice
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur/Lancelot
Rating: R
Warning: Boys being boys, some burning
Summary: Merlin took Arthur’s place as a victim of the assassin’s bolt. Fate is fickle however and what does this mean for the one destined to be the once and future King? Sequel to Gaze on Oblivion.
Disclaimer: The Arthurian Legend belongs to the people of the world; the interpretation of characters borrowed for this story belong to the television series 'Merlin'.
Previous: ( Chapter 1 )( Chapter 2 ) ( Chapter 3 )( Chapter 4 ) ( Chapter 5 )( Chapter 6 )( Chapter 7 )( Chapter 8 )
Chapter 9 )

Well... this is it then - the final chapter.  Longer than the rest but I could not cut it in half.  Thanks to all that have read, a special thanks to the reviewers - and I hope the ending is fitting.  Some plot points I've been building the whole story, others just fell into place.  Enjoy.

Chapter 10

Hynd’s men were numerous but basically untrained, and as such were little trouble for Merlin and the knights to fight through on their way to the throne room. If Merlin were a suspicious man, and he very much was these days, he would think it had been too easy.

His suspicions were correct.

Sir Bedivere, helping the other knights pushing the door, turned his face to Merlin. “It is locked from inside Eminence - if Hynd has the king in there Uther may be dead already.”

“Perhaps,” murmured the warlock and threw off the cloak, the vision of him being an old man faded with it. “Stand clear!” he ordered.

The knights hurried to obey but Bedivere had more to say. “Should we wait… for Arthur I mean?”

Hesitating Merlin considered it. His plan had called for both him and Arthur to arrive simultaneously, saving the day and proving to Uther that magic and prince were needed to defeat the realm’s enemies. If he waited though, and Uther was killed then what use them arriving together?

He raised a hand, the magic crackled in his palm and the small hall was easily lit by the hues of power. In his mind he could already visualise the heavy doors splintered and destroyed, it took only a moment for reality to catch up with his mind. The knights, used to his displays of magic, raced inside to secure the room.

Merlin quickly followed.

Outside Camelot

The horse underneath them was flecked with sweat and it was making strangled noises. They had already rode the other mount to ground and had to share the last few leagues. The walls of Camelot loomed up ahead and Arthur’s breath caught. Smoke billowed from a few windows in the west tower.

Were they too late?

They couldn’t be. He could feel Merlin drawing him closer, so at least he lived.

As Lancelot swerved the horse to avoid a wagon Arthur almost lost his hold and gripped the other man tighter. Even with the speed and the noise he heard a deep chuckle from Lancelot and frowned. “You know,” he yelled into Lancelot’s ear. “As prince I should be leading.”

All he got was more laughter and a mouthful of hair. Damn the man! They would most definitely be having a talk about how to treat royalty, even those you’ve been intimate with… and he would order a haircut - in fact he may make it a royal decree that all men must have their hair cut above the neckline. As more black stands flicked in his eyes Arthur growled; make that shaved!

Camelot, west wing

Swinging the long blade Jarrod was able to slice his opponent’s jugular with the tip and jumped back to avoid being hit with the arterial spray. Blood did not bother him but it could affect his grip and they still had many enemies to kill. Across from him Morgana finished off her own with a stab to his kidneys then she slit the man’s throat. Cleanly and neatly with a minimum of effort.

She was well taught and it seemed, experienced. He nodded at her and they continued along the hall even as servants raced to extinguish the fires they had inadvertently caused during the skirmish.

“We must get to the throne room,” said Morgana determinedly. Jarrod did not argue and pushed his way forward as another of Hynd’s men jumped from the shadows. As metal hit metal Jarrod spared a thought for what lay ahead.

So they might make it to Uther… but what then?

“Jarrod, something else,” Morgana said as he stabbed the other man through the heart, Morgana barely spared the fallen man a glance. “The Dragon told me something about you - about your Grandmother… he told me who killed her and I thought you should know.”

Throne Room


“Gaius,” said Merlin, in a high pitched voice he had not used since this all began. It had not been that long but so much had happened it was strange to feel like a boy again, but Gaius had that effect on him.

“What in the gods are you doing?” demanded the old man.

“Um… rescuing you?”

That damned eyebrow stretched upward and Merlin gulped - how was he able to convey so much with a little bit of facial hair?

“They had been unable to breach the doors Merlin.”

Merlin decided not to mention how ridiculous Gaius looked holding an axe he could barely lift and instead turned to Uther, and to the amazement of everyone knelt. “My lord, I know you have no reason to trust me - but we are here to save you and help defeat Lord Hynd.”

Uther’s expression was hard to read but his words were not. “Well I will try to contain my excitement.”

Merlin looked up, Uther’s tone was brash but then the man did not seem likely to take his head off. He tried smiling cheekily - it used to work before Uther knew he was a sorcerer. “Would it help if I mention that I’ve arranged for Arthur to be here too?”

Uther scoffed and shook his head. “Lovely, now Hynd can kill king and prince - thank you Merlin for making all this possible.”

His sarcasm was a little wasted since he pulled Merlin to his feet and looked him up and down. Merlin could imagine what he was thinking. Instead of the cheaply dressed servant Merlin now wore expensive cloth, with the leather and weapons he either looked incredibly stupid or marvellously dangerous. Merlin liked to think the latter.

“Bedivere!” shouted the King, forgetting Merlin for the moment. “Secure the entry. No doubt Hynd has heard what’s happened and will lead his finest to finish us off.”

With fist to heart Bedivere started directing the knights.

“There’s really no need,” stated Merlin. “I can just turn them to dust.”

“No!” growled Uther and squeezed Merlin’s shoulder painfully. “You claim to follow the crown then obey me now… no magic - we will defeat Hynd with strength of arms.”

Drawing his sword deftly Merlin grinned. “I can do that too.”

Uther glanced from blade to Merlin and the corner of his mouth twitched, but he said nothing and pushed Merlin over to Gaius.

A sound of running feet announced the arrival of Hynd’s men.

Then the fun began.

Halls of Camelot

As more people rushed past her Guinevere barely looked up. It wouldn’t matter anyway. No-one could see her, no-one could touch her. She had tried, but it was if they purposely ignored her. She could touch things, and people - but they shrugged her off as if she was nothing but a cold breeze.

The only conclusion Gwen could reach was she must be dead.

This would not be so bad but she still felt hungry, thirsty and seemed to have to do all then things the living did. If this was the after-life then it would become very frustrating very quickly.

More running steps came towards her and Gwen turned into the wall - she hated being barged through like she was a ghost. This time the feet stopped and a hand touched her elbow.


She looked up. “Arthur.” She could not prevent the smile that came. Of all the people to finally see her it was Arthur. “You wouldn’t believe what’s been happening and,” she looked to see who was behind Arthur and almost yelped in a very unladylike manner. “Lancelot!”

In his turn Lancelot just stood there confused. He neither looked her way or responded to her words.

“Um, Arthur - who are you talking to?”

“Its Gwen,” stated Arthur, swinging Guinevere around with an arm on her shoulder. Being starved of any human contact for so long Gwen leaned into the touch. Arthur was thinner, but still very strong and his hair was longer. She sighed, pushing all inappropriate thoughts deep down where they belonged, especially since Lancelot was here and he too made her think of inappropriate things.

“He can’t see me Arthur, no-one can… until you that is.”

“Oh, I was afraid of that.” His face conveyed that he truly was and she touched his cheek without thinking.

“Its not your fault,” she whispered.

“I think it is,” he whispered back.

“Arthur,” prompted Lancelot. “Enemies to kill, fathers to save - lovers to reunite with,” he said with a leer, completely oblivious to Gwen’s presence. “Being a proxy has been fun and all but I think you’d like the real thing sooner rather than later.”

“Lancelot!” said Arthur sternly and blushed, looking to Gwen in apology. “I can explain, but right now.”

“No,” said Gwen quickly. “I really don’t want to know - well I do, but just the details - oh… I mean.” Her face reddened and Arthur had the grace to shrug and smile, letting her know it was okay. “Just go,” she hissed playfully.

“Okay,” he answered, in a very Merlin-like manner. “But stay safe - and we’ll work this out, I promise.”

As the two ran off Gwen leaned against the wall. Work this out - sure, but how?

Throne Room

The bolt shot at Uther and he saw it like time had slowed - he could not move quickly enough to avoid it. At the last instant a blade intervened and deflected the shot. Uther nodded a thanks at Merlin and they continued the fight.

He had to credit the boy - he really was very good.

Hynd’s ranks had been severely depleted, they were many but Uther had battle trained knights on his side. The tide was definitely turning and Hynd, on the other side of the room, must be realising it. The man had obviously not expected the return of Arthur’s knights and his face was a mixture of rage and frustration.

Uther had known the man his entire life. Ambitious, untrustworthy and entirely too impatient. If it were not for the man’s wealth and admittedly excellent swordsmanship - he would have been dead or enslaved by now.

“What say you Uther!” shouted Hynd, his voice carrying over the battle. “Perhaps we should end this, a truce?”

Uther hesitated, it was probably a trick but then Uther did now have the advantage and his many years of battle and diplomacy had taught him that an enemy surrender was better than an enemy dead - usually.

“Agreed!” he yelled back. “Halt arms.” It was a credit to Arthur’s training of the knights that they obeyed almost instantly. Their blades remained pointed at Hynd’s smaller troop however. “I suggest you drop your weapons,” growled Uther.

Hynd nodded at his men and they reluctantly did so. Hynd kept his sword but Uther allowed this, the man was royalty after-all.

Uther walked forward, still keeping a distance but close enough to see Hynd clearly. The man was slightly younger, heavier but fighting fit. It was unfortunate but Uther knew that the populace would probably have accepted him as a new king - reluctantly, but they would have done so. Life must go on.

“So,” said Uther. “What would you do in my place?”

“In your place,” sneered Hynd. “I would show no such mercy.” His arm flicked out, it was not a crossbow or throwing knife but Uther still had no time to avoid whatever was being thrown. A body threw itself at him, a flash of blue and black and Uther found himself looking down into Merlin’s eyes as they grew wide.

“What?” he demanded.

Merlin swallowed before stepping back. “Magic sire, I think it was a -.” His body slumped and Uther went to catch him - he was beaten to it by Arthur however.

“Merlin,” Arthur snapped. “What have you done now?” The two sunk to the floor and Uther wondered what Hynd had thrown. There was no blade or spike jutting out of Merlin’s back - what had he protected Uther from?

The truce was broken though and he had little time to ponder as Hynd’s men quickly regathered their weapons and the battle was joined. Even with superior numbers Uther knew that killing Hynd would be difficult, the man really was an excellent swordsman. The knights picked off Hynd’s men until only he remained. Uther knew the knights would not hesitate to fight Hynd to the death, even it meant losing much of their own numbers. They were tired though, Uther could see that.

“Stand back!” shouted a new voice. Jarrod strode into the room, raising his slightly curved sword at Hynd in challenge. “Lord Hynd, years ago you took the life of Viviane, Lady of the Lake… and my grandmother.” As the remaining knights cleared the way, recognising a blood debt - Jarrod took a stance. “Prepare to die for your crimes.”

“Hah!” laughed Hynd, brandishing his own sword and picking up another. “I would be happy to slay any of that witch’s blood - bring it on.”

“Accepted,” another voice intervened and Uther looked to see Lancelot also raise a blade beside Jarrod’s. He looked sideways at Jarrod. “We share the same blood, I also am of Viviane’s line - shall we finish him together brother.”

Jarrod smiled, and anyone who saw it could not ignore the ferocity. “Let’s.”

The two men went on the attack, and Hynd, proving himself quite good was able to parry them at the same time. At any other time Uther may have called for only one to attack at a time - fair play and all that; but Hynd had tried to use magic - he wasn’t going to follow rules so Uther left him to his fate.

The fight was over rather quickly. Hynd was good but Jarrod and Lancelot were better, and though they had just met it seemed their styles fitted perfectly together. Jarrod sliced Hynd’s thigh, dropping the man to his knees. Lancelot ran him through while Hynd’s swords were held over his head. As his arms dropped Jarrod pivoted and took his head clean off. The sound was surprisingly soft and Uther shrugged and smirked.

They’d saved the executioner a job.

Now that all fighting had stopped the sounds in the room died away - and all Uther heard was sword dropping to the floor. He turned and looked at his son.

No matter his thoughts on sorcerers he knew in his heart Merlin was different - for that and the fact he also was aware what the boy meant to his son Uther gasped in horror. For Merlin’s fate was terrible.

Throne Room, moments earlier

Arthur followed Lancelot through the doorway, the darker haired man immediately going to assist the knights. Arthur however immediately sought out Merlin and could only see him in, strangely enough, Uther’s arms. Merlin stepped back and Arthur thought maybe they had reached some kind of agreement - then his body slumped.

Whatever magic Arthur possessed he used now and raced forward before Merlin could fall and he hugged him one handed, shouting his name in anger and berating him just like old times. He could feel Merlin’s breath on his neck, hot and rushed. Arthur stared into those eyes. So often he had imagined them of late and much as he had seen them in Lancelot’s the real thing was so much better.

“Arthur,” whispered Merlin through parched lips. Why were his lips parched, and why was he suddenly feeling so warm?  "Our path was too narrow Arthur, not enough room for two."

“Sorry.” Merlin’s last word was barely a breath and his body convulsed. Arthur held him tighter and in doing so felt the body change… harden.

It started where Arthur had his arm around Merlin’s back. It felt like a lump growing but rock hard, not flesh or blood. Merlin’s face contorted in agony and he squeezed those beautiful eyes shut. Arms, also turning from flesh to stone, embraced Arthur and he fought not to cry out in anger or fear or hate or any of the emotions now racing through him.

They had found each other again - defeated their enemies. Merlin was not allowed to do this, not now. All Arthur managed to whisper was a sobbed, “No,” as he saw the skin around Merlin’s jaw ripple then petrify. The effect spread quickly until Merlin was a statue, even his eyes had turned the colour of granite.

His hand opened and the sword dropped away. With both arms he clasped Merlin and buried his head in the now rock hard neck. He had no words to say and so painful was the hole in his heart he could not even shout in anger. Arthur looked up into the eyes of his father and saw something for the first time.


Was this how Uther had felt when Igraine died giving birth to Arthur? Arthur felt the tears flow down his cheeks and splash on the now granite shoulder of Merlin. He saw a reflection of those tears in his father’s eyes and he began to believe what Uther had meant all these years about sacrifice and pain.

He had never felt anything like this - and he wanted it to stop.

He would do anything to stop it.

The grating of metal on stone made Arthur look to the side. A flutter of cloth revealed Morgana lifting the sword, Excalibur the water nymph had called it. The blade flashed in the light coming from the high window. Morgana’s face also held such empathy of loss. She walked around to face Arthur, standing behind Merlin who had Arthur locked in his petrified arms.

“Do you trust me Arthur?” she whispered, tears in her eyes. “Do you know that I love you and would do anything for you - even if it meant damning my soul?”

“Morgana,” he managed to speak. “What do you -.” Arthur gasped in shock and then pain as Morgana thrust the sword forward, its blade easily penetrating Merlin’s stone back and going right through, piercing Arthur’s chest just above his heart. This pain was physical and shocked Arthur out of his grief.

“Morgana?” he shouted in anger and disbelief. How could she do this?


He watched as she stepped back. As Uther grabbed her and threw her to the side - as Arthur’s vision clouded he saw Jarrod save her from falling.

Uther grasped the hilt of Excalibur and pulled, the effort evident on his face and Arthur tensed, waiting for the blade to slip free of his flesh. It didn’t. Uther could not even budge it.

Arthur’s pulse pounded in his ears and he felt the warm wet feeling of blood flowing down his chest. He could not pull back, Merlin’s arms held him in place - and not even Uther could remove the sword. This is how he would die.

A smile graced Arthur’s face as he realised this wasn’t so bad. He was with Merlin at least.

“Arthur!” shouted Morgana from across the room. Jarrod was menacing several knights who were trying to take Morgana and this gave her the chance to speak.

“The sword was made for the once and future king - for you Arthur. Only you can wield it and not fear it, Excalibur cannot harm its master.”

In his periphery Arthur heard Gaius gasp and mutter, “Paradox, of course.”

He had no time to listen to foolish mutters. A new strength seemed to hit him as the beam of sunlight caught both him, Excalibur and Merlin.

Merlin had always said, Arthur was to be king, with Merlin by his side. So it couldn’t end here - Arthur simply would not allow it.

He was the Prince damn it - and no usurper wannabe like Hynd, with his fancy petrifying spells and hired assassins was going to kill his love. He would be king, and the greatest warrior ever - and no one was going to stop him from becoming that.

Reaching around Arthur grabbed the hilt - and pulled.

It hurt - by the gods it hurt. Liquid fire pulling through his veins, literally flowing along his arms and legs and in his heart. Golden fiery heat that felt like something sucking the life out of him.

He didn’t waver though, and put more effort into it.

The sword nudged back an inch and he screamed in pain, blood sprayed out from his mouth - but he didn’t stop.

The sun now hit them fully and that combined with whatever magic was held by Arthur, Merlin and sword combined to infuse all three with a golden glow. To anyone looking the brightness increased until all three seemed like one small sun, burning on the throne room floor.

Inch by painful inch Arthur pulled the blade out of his chest, and out of Merlin’s back. As it exited his chest he felt the last of Merlin’s magic leave with it, the pain increased to become excruciating ecstasy. Once free of the stone back of Merlin the wound remained glowing a white-gold, that quickly infused Arthur’s wound as well and he felt the muscle and sinew knit together and mend almost instantly.

The glow seeped into Merlin and melted away the stone, returning the man to flesh and as Arthur watched those beautiful eyes returned to life.

“Idiot,” murmured Arthur.

“Prat,” whispered back Merlin.

“Love you,” said Arthur more softly.

“Love you too.”

Camelot Marketplace

“Did you hear? Arthur’s back.”

“Merlin too, and he’s not the Prince’s servant anymore.”

“Really? What is he then?”

Castle Laundry-house

“An amnesty on magic, I swear it on my mother’s grave - Uther announced it this morning.”

“Really? If that’s true I’ll send word to my nephew - too many years he’s been hiding.”

“Well, apparently the Prince’s new advisor is putting together some kind of magic academy - speak to him I would.”

“The Prince has an advisor? Who?”

Camelot Square

“I swear that you are the worst advisor in the history of the world.”

Merlin just snorted and pulled on his neckerchief. In his new position he did have to wear proper garments like a doublet and breeches that actually tucked into boots but he refused to throw away his trade mark scarf. Arthur was upset they had almost been late to today’s presentations - as if they would start without them?

“Shut up,” Merlin said simply and Arthur did. It may also have had something to do with Uther glaring at them both - a long sword in his hands.

The King brought the sword down and gently tapped both shoulders of the sleek dark haired man. Hair tied back for once Arthur noted (his royal decree had been vetoed by his advisor).

“Arise Sir Lancelot, Knight of Camelot.”

Lancelot’s grin could have lit up the square thought Arthur, and a hundred admiring women swooned as they imagined that smile for them. The young and dashing Lancelot had built up quite the following since returning to Camelot. This probably more than Lancelot’s bravery, had made Uther bend the rules. Arthur turned and winked at Gwen, standing by their side. She had every reason to smile back at Lancelot - who was now once more very much aware of her existence.

The second man kneeled and Arthur grinned. He and Jarrod had become fast friends, much like Lancelot. Since Hynd’s death Jarrod had asked to be called by his real name, Ghalāḥ ad-Dīn Ayyūd. Arthur still had trouble saying it properly and he wondered how Uther would manage - he heard Merlin’s breath hold as well. Obviously he wasn’t the only one wanting to see if the king would embarrass himself trying to say the name.

The King touched both shoulders and then glanced at Arthur, a smile at the corners of his mouth. Uther turned back to Jarrod.

“Arise Sir Galahad, Knight of Camelot.”

The crowd cheered, Jarrod - now Galahad Arthur reminded himself, was also a people’s favorite. They seemed to be collecting them and Arthur was becoming worried how they’d all fit in the Knight’s meeting room. He was having an engineer coming in to redesign the room, although what could be done with a room that only held a big table he’d have to find out.  The only thing he could imagine was cutting the corners off the table to fit more chairs - but anyone he mentioned it to politely nodded and changed the subject.

An elbow in his side made Arthur flinch and he turned to the other person by his side.

“What is it Morgana?”

“Just making sure you’re paying attention,” she smiled, but not at Arthur.

Arthur did not fail to notice that Galahad blushed when he looked Morgana’s way and saw her smiling at him. Naturally Arthur had forgiven Morgana everything, even if he did eye off any sword in her vicinity.

Merlin had taken it further, always making comments that he has to watch his back when Morgana was around. She seemed to take it in good faith… mostly.

“The crowd seems to like these displays,” said Merlin, playing with his scarf again. “Maybe we should swap places and have near death experiences more often - if it means finding new knights… not that the old ones are bad.” Merlin spared a glance at Bedivere and Gallfoy, who smiled back a little tightly. They were still a little embarrassed at how much they had fallen under Merlin’s spell when he was being a ‘soldier boy’ as Arthur had put it.

One training session on the field after the throne room incident had proven that Merlin and Arthur were back to normal. Merlin had tripped on his own feet twice and cracked three shields - before even entering the mock battle. For his own part Arthur could not even light a fire without flint and cloth - any magic he had was well and truly gone.

Turning to his advisor Arthur grinned with a leer. This made Merlin gulp and his lip quivered as he smiled back. “Arthur?”

“Mn.” Arthur simply leaned in and grabbed Merlin by his scarf. “I think we can give them another display to cheer at.” He pulled Merlin forward and kissed him before he could respond, silencing any protest.

The kiss was passionate, deep and almost outlasted the crowd’s applause.

Farmland, outside Camelot

“They say he pulled the sword clean out of the stone - only one that could do it, cause he’ll be a great King one day… you just see.”

The End.

pairing: merlin/arthur, fandom: merlin, 'oblivion' series, story: tread the precipice

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