Go Team Esposito!

Jun 28, 2010 22:43

I'm not sure I'm as entitled to bragging as the rest of the team since I arrived Mid-Murder at castleland, but this is me bragging anyway!

We won with 9014 points, and it was sweet!

Now that the phase is over, I'm gonna put under cut here everything I wrote for this Murder and the graphics I made... Enjoy!

1st thing I wrote was for the "Knocked up" challenge: The story must revolve around a Castle character being pregnant or finding out someone is pregnant.

I actually won 1st place in a tie for this one *is proud*

Title: Pregnant Actress
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing
A/N: It was betaed by bluie92, thank you so much Erin!
Summary: This is about Martha coming to term with the fact that she's pregnant (with Rick)

When she got out of bed for the third time that morning to dash to the bathroom, she couldn't ignore it anymore, something was wrong. This wasn't about gastro-enteritis, as she had first thought.

Her roommate and most-of-the-time friend, Ally snorted when she heard puke her guts out in the bathroom they shared. Okay, so this was not going to be one of the days when they were acting as friends, Martha thought.

"Are you okay in there?" The blonde asked on the other side of the door.

Martha grabbed a towel and wiped her mouth with it, thinking that she was going to need a shower, even if they didn't have enough hot water. She felt so dirty and sick.

"I'm alright," the red-head answered, in a small voice, before resting her head against the cupboard under the sink.

"No you're not."

"Then why do you ask?"

The blonde didn't answer but she pushed the door to the bathroom open and looked at the woman on the floor. Her smug expression became one of pity and if she had had enough strength, Martha would have jumped to her feet to smack that look from her face. She could take her haughty, but she wouldn't take her pity.

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" Ally asked, lowering herself to the ground to sit next to her.

"I'm going to have a shower and then some tea," Martha said, not wanting to delve deeper into the issue.

Ally rolled her eyes.

"You've been puking every day for at least a week, Martha, don't tell me you actually think there's nothing wrong with you."

"There's nothing wrong with me, I'm just pregnant."

The word had seemed so big when she spoke it aloud for the first time but she guessed it was inevitable, this was big, period. Oh God, she was pregnant.

"Well, that's wrong, if you ask me," Ally said. "Are you going to have it? I know a girl who got ... an abortion,” she whispered the last words as if the cops could hear them no matter where they were spoken.

"I don't know Ally and if you don't mind, I'd like to get that shower now..."

"Sure, be like that. I'm just trying to be there for you!" The blonde fired back. "Whatever, if you have that baby, it means more roles for me, since you won't be able to audition for anything for some time!"

She stormed out of the room and Martha felt a tear roll down her cheek. She couldn't tell what had caused, the exhaustion, her nerves? Or maybe the fact that once again she was left with no one to be there for her.

She slowly took her nightgown and put it on the ground. She then got in the shower and turned on the water. The first wave was always cold as hell, but then the temperature would warm up; she suffered that first assault, a little anesthetized by her thoughts.

She was pregnant. She didn't need to count the days, she knew who the father was and if there was one thing she knew for sure, it was that he wasn't coming back. He had been so gorgeous, so charming, with his big brown eyes. She hadn't been able to resist him. And now here she was, a pregnant struggling actress.

She wished she could call her mother, but she could already picture the look of disappointment on her face when she heard the news. There would be no advice from here on in, she would just be so ashamed of her daughter. She had been so unsupportive when Martha had left for the Great City, to try and make it there, she wasn't going to suddenly embrace her daughter’s life choice even if it meant becoming a grandmother. Not to mention the baby would be born out of wedlock. Martha could already hear the lecture she would get, about hell and sin.

She wished she had a sister, or at least a good friend she could talk too. However in this business, nobody was nobody's friend, at least not until the parts were given out and people knew where they stood next to you. Whether they had gotten a bigger part, or no part at all. She used to feel like a fish in the sea in that place, but today, she felt aloof.

What would she do? Keep the baby, or get rid of it? There was always adoption too. She guessed that if she managed to finish that movie she was committed to and if the studio gave her the bonus they had promised her, she could afford a pregnancy, but barely. It would be so difficult... Or she could suck it up and go ask Ally about that friend she mentioned, to get rid of it. But it was Brown-Eyes' baby and it was the only piece of him she could have left. What did she care about most?

She put her hand on her flat stomach, the hot spray still directed to her shoulders and torso. What was she going to do?

For this one, we had to pick a theme and write 600 words. I chose Alexis and wrote this:

Title: Feeling Like A Teenager Is Rare For Me But You Do That To Me
Rating: PG
Prompt: Alexis
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing
Wordcount: 673 words
Summary: Alexis has got a crush...

"Are you okay?" Aexis asked him.

"Why would you care?" Matt asked.

"I don't... I just... Mr Damon was wrong in putting you on the spot like that in front of everybody for something you have no control over..." Alexis started speaking very quickly, blushing madly.

"And I ask again, why would you care?" The angry teenager asked, with something resembling a snare.

She didn't answer. She would only ridiculize herself. Why had she thought it was a good idea to talk to him after that scene? Oh right, because she was compassionate, and she thought he might be interested in some. Way to be wrong...

"That's what I thought", he sneered when she kept silent. "Silly little rich girl wants to make me feel better about not having enough money to get new fancy books. Go back to your golden life, don't pretend you know what my life is about."

And he walked away. She bit her bottom lip. How could she be so stupid sometimes? It was just not fair... She just wanted to be nice, and it backfired big time. He would never look at her any other way than that, as a rich girl...

She had always liked Matt, and she didn't care about the fact that he had gotten into her private school thanks to a scholarship. Except the rest of her classmates did. She didn't care that he had less money than her, it only made her think higher of him. Every day at school he would have to suffer through blatant display of inappropirate behaviours money-related, but he would still be proud, hold his head high. She was often ashamed by some of her friends' actions. It was not abou tbeing sensitive and keeping in mind that there were "poor" kids at their school, it was just about being decent. Ther were privileged, and they should remember it. The amount of money they would throw in shoes or in car was just plain outrageous. If she was offensed by some of thei comments and actions, knowing she was part of the "wealthy" club, what must it feel like to Matt? It was no wonder he held all his classmates in contempt.

She admired him. And contrary to what he thought, she kinda knew him. Emphasis on the "kinda" of course, but she had overheard a conversation he had had with their litterature teacher once. She had heard about him taking care of his younger sister while their parents did their best to earn a living for the four of them, and she had liked him even more. He was no stupid jock, money or not. He cared about family. She did too. She was so used to being the most mature person in her household most days, it felt weird to feel just like the teenager she really was. He had the ability to make her feel that way. When she looked at him, she was just a girl, longing for a boy. When he looked at her, he only saw another rich girl, with silly preoccupations, and he wanted nothing to do with her. It broke her heart.

She had hoped that this new year, when they had so many classes together would be a good opportunity to make him see that she wasn't just another stupid girl. She thought that maybe they would get partnered in one of those classes, and he would get to know her. They did get partnered, but it meant she was the only witness when he was unfairly attacked by Mr. Damon, their history teacher, and she was left helpless. What was she supposed to do? She hadn't wanted to let it slide, and it came back to bite her in the ass. Now the guy would always associta her with humiliating memories.

This year was going to be very long and painful, standing next to the one guy who would touch her with a ten feet pole nor talk to her like she was human. Very, very long. She sighed in despair.

For this challenge, I was give random prompts, first Ryan/Esposito & Movie Night, but I felt more inspired writing about the second prompts I was offered, Alexis Castle/Tom Denning & Alcohol. We had a maximum of 300 words, minimum 100... People who are used to my writing will see right away why this was difficult for me...

Title: Random Encounters
Rating: PG
Prompt: Alexis Castle and Tom/Denning, Alcohol
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing
Wordcount: 292 words
Summary: She Shouldn't Be Here...

He couldn't believe his eyes... Castle's precious daughter, in a bar, sipping on a cocktail.

Leaving his beer bottle behind, he went to her table and cleared his throat.

She blushed, to the root of her very red hair when she spotted him. They hadn't had much interactions, they had only seen each other a couple of times while he was called to investigate on Kate's - Beckett's cases, he corrected himself. The young lady was unforgettable, and a very good kid. He just couldn't figure what she would be doing here.

"Detective Demming!" She exclaimed.

"Miss Castle, do you need help finding your way out of here" he offered sternly.

"I'm sorry, what?" she asked.

"I said, do you need help to leave this place? You can either do it of your own free will, or I would have to arrest you."

Still blushing madly, she grabbed her purse, and dashed for the exit, muttering a few words to a guy on her way out. Tom was still behind her, making sure she was leaving.

She turned around and said:

"My dad knows I'm there."

"I don't doubt it, your father is quite a character that would let you do strange things. I'm just the only cop in NY who would believe it and not have you arrested."

"Thank you for that."

She remained on his mind as he got back inside to his beer. Now Kate was on his mind too. Damn Castle. He could ruin his night even without being there.

As she got in a cab, Alexis thanked the heavens he hadn't arrested her. Her dad and Demming, face to face again? Not a good idea. She just wished she could have kissed her date good night.

And Don't forget to check the graphics I did! You can find them Here @ deadboltgloves

castleland, fanfiction, [castle]character: alexis castle, [castle]character: martha rodgers, fic: castle, (public), tv: castle

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