Picture Pages

Feb 04, 2008 22:30

Should you like to some of pictures from the recent trip to Thailand and Cambodia (with a brief stop in Stockholm), I finally have a set roughly sorted, captioned, and posted here. Be warned, there are a lot of pictures, and this is only 20% of the total number I took. However, the photos are all have thumbnails so you can skip around as you wish.

It was particularly tough to prune through the Angkor pictures as the place is so photogenic (little wonder that Tomb Raider was filmed there). If you'd like to put some context to those photos, you may want to start with this interactive map I found. Yes, we visited all those places at Angkor, as well as the floating villages, in just two days -- with shopping, eating, and drinking in the evenings. That's why we never had the time to use the lovely hotel pool you can also see in the pictures.
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