I spent the majority of my waking hours this weekend painting.
What I started with:
Where they were as of Sunday night:
I've since finished "inlaying" all of the blue bits. I'm quite pleased with that blue. It's an aqua/blue two-tone opaque glass paint. It looks a lot like abalone shell when dry.
The ivory might need another coat, and then a wash of brown; and the safety orange tip needs re-oranging. I need to figure out what the raised bits and still-black bits are. I was thinking silver, but my silver paint is almost the same as the gunmetal grey I already used. Maybe I could do those in a slightly toned-down safety orange so the cap doesn't stand out so painfully.
After the paint is done I plan to apply a couple of coats of sealer and then grimy them up a little. Not too much, though, as Minerva tries to keep her possessions clean.