day #2: your first love

Aug 26, 2010 04:03

Made two new claims at fandom365 since I finished my old ones. My old ones were The WB Shows [Buffy, Angel & Charmed] (find the icons here) & Romance Movies (icons here)! My new claims are Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Friends. :D I'm excited!

Ookay. Uhm, 30 day meme, I guess.

Day 02 - Your first love

Uhh... Well, I guess my first love was David. I've known him for literally my entire life. His mom and my mom were best friends when they were younger. I was born in June and David was born 7 months later, in January. In his baby book it says I was his first friend. :] David was my first "boyfriend," in the way that 5-year-olds are boyfriend and girlfriend. But the actuality is David and I have never been in a serious relationship. When we were old enough to actually have a real relationship we always got the timing all wrong. We did go out for a day, I said, the timing was all wrong and I broke up with him. (It was at the beginning of my relationship with my ex. About a week after me and Bubba (aka AJ) got together I decided I liked David more so I broke up with Bubba and he broke up with his GF and we got together. The next day I decided I made a mistake, broke up with David and got back with Bubba. He did the same with his GF after a few days.) At some point during my relationship with AJ, when he was living with his uncle in New Jersey, I broke up with him because the distance was driving me away from him and right to David. However, David had a girlfriend and wasn't going to break up with her for me a second time. Of course, for some reason, it was during this time that I realized I actually loved David. I wanted to be with him more than anything. I thought that, in the end, we would end up together. I thought we would get married and have babies. I thought that for the longest time. And I guess he really is the first person I felt that way about. He's the first person I wanted to completely devote myself to. He's the first person I ever hurt so badly over (many nights spent crying for and because of him). Now David has an adorable daughter named Cheyanne, with another one on the way. And now I am with Gerald, who I know is my forever, because I honestly have never been in a better relationship or had a better boyfriend than him. Even though Gerald is not my first love he makes me feel like I've never felt before and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
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