And we all know a song that's tearing me and you apart

Aug 28, 2015 21:42

Just finished the second week of the (six month) charity shop placement. Ehh, is how I feel about it. Short of finding a job, I can't get out of the gig. It could be worse - other people have been shunted into street-sweeping "placements" - it seems to be a matter of putting up with the least shit option. Sort things, steam things, price things: rinse, repeat. If I can reach some state of Zen boredom where I can focus on ideas whilst  I'll be okay. Likewise if I can stay mostly in the backroom. I could bear it better if it was two or three days a week: four grinds me me down. I don't think I'll be finding many decent books here: I spent a lot of this morning labelling bad teen romances from 1990 and chortling at the covers. Yesterday I touched the Fifty Shades trilogy and I still feel vaguely soiled. Managed to pick up a charcoal peacoat for autumn and The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec (which is great fun and has the most marvellous hats).

Where did summer go? The last few weeks seem to be just a memory of rain and the brightest thing I can bring to mind is the Holly Blue we saw feeding on ivy flowers last weekend: milk-blue with the tiniest black dots. An inch's wingspan doesnt' seem much to hang a whole season on.

I read Joel's The Anniversary of Never a few days ago. In and out of sleep; there was one particularly bad dream that could have passed for one of his stories. There are some classics here: moth-ghosts born from gluesniffing in a Black Country wood, Proserpine on the Tube, a brief fellowship forged from overhearing the cries of ghosts (which I wish I'd written; but we at least got Ashes out together. Still proud of that one). DF Lewis offers a good thoughtful review of the collection here.  Other books on the pile: Nike Sulway's Rupetta, The Garden God by Forrest Reid, China M's The City & The City (which I've mellowed towards; I found it a bit pedestrian when it first came out).

I went round to stay at zoetropix's last night. We watched a few episodes of Steven Universe. I baked for the first time in *cough cough* years. I won't be following in Dad's footsteps - he was a professional baker for forty-odd years and now he seems content with crap white bread from the local One Stop, which always saddens me. But I think I make a decent brownie. The cookies were less successful; they didn't seem to get beyond dough consistency but tasted okay.

Hoping to write over the weekend; seeing John H for drinks tomorrow night; no other plans. A Furze novel might be shaping itself. Happy to play the shorter game for now if it gets me writing again.

books, ugh, lovers

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