Apr 16, 2006 11:33
So i am not sure how many of you read this but this is a long long long over due entry....
As some of you may hurd, i WAS plannin on movin back to the O.C for good. Ferris is a big change let me tell you but as i realized maybe some of you all need to realize there is more to life then MONEY!!! Designers, expensive cars, damn even the kind of Alcohol you drink you people judge on. Some of you will stay here forever and get frightened at the fact that mommy and daddy wont be there to give you money all the time. Thats all well and fine for you but not for me. Seriously i dont know anyone down here that doesnt smoke weed? like what the hell is your Big house, Nice car, Everything you want really not good enough for you? is your life that bad that you have to get high to be happy?? Wow sad...Im not goin to lie, i drink yeah who doesnt really these days but disrespect is something totally different. I would never ever think about disrespecting someone elses property and the way some people here do amazes me how they just dont care. Goin to jail when you have it so good like seriously is jail better?? Nope i dont htink so. So maybe you guys need to look at your life and realize how good it is. And realize there is more to life then money!! Im sorry you guys, i am not movin back here. I dont really give a shit about anyone here any more but jess and jenni. Everyone else can fuck off. I have tried so hard to give people 2nd, 3rd, 4th...ect...chances and there is no reason to anymore, none what so ever. some of you are jst a lost cause..... I hope you guys get somewhere in life i really do.
Sorry this is so mean, but i am seriously so sick of it all!
My ferris friends, im not goin to campaire to you o.c people but i just want to leave this quote for them...
They are there for you when you're having those days when you just don't feel worth a cent.
They can make you laugh when you're at the point where you thought you couldn't.
They are the ones giving you all those amazing memories of inside jokes nobody else understands.
They are the ones holding back your hair when you just drank way too much.
They know all your little details and each and every mood.
They are the ones you can hold 4 hour conversations with on the phone and still have more to talk about.
They are the ones you can sing with at the top of your lungs with the windows down and the music blasting.
They stay up with you on sleepovers and talk about boys and love.
They can be trusted with your darkest secrets.
They are the ones who give you meaning to your life.
They are the ones who help you find out who you really are, way deep inside.
They are your best friends.
They are the ones you live, laugh, and love with.
A simple word, isn't it?
It's uttered everyday to almost every person imaginable.
Who are your friends?
I used to think that friends were the people your that you could laugh & talk to.
Now I know that friends aren't that, they're the people that touch your heart.
You could spend hours with them doing nothing at all & it can be the best time of your life, just because it was with them.
They're the people you can share secrets with, cry with, laugh with, & just have fun with. They don't judge you or make you change.
They accept you exactly as you are.
They look at you and they see a great person,
one they love spending time with.
You all share something in common
& are tied together by memories, tears, laughs & smiles.
You're tied together by love for the other.
Friendship is the strangest but greatest thing in the world.
I find my time with my friends,
the best times of my life.
My friends are my heart, my soul, my fun, my laughter, tears, love & my life.
[Kate Tierney]