<3 4th quarter

May 17, 2006 23:02


I basically come home and do absolutely nothing now. Although I did clean yesterday. Yes, that's right! You read correctly. Ashley cleaned. Ashley also vacuumed, made her bed, dusted, folded sheets, recovered the sofa, and so much more! Actually, that's about it...but if you know me, you know that I never clean.

I watched a touching, yet extremley lame, predictable, and cheesy movie on ABC Family today. It was called "Hello Sister, Goodbye Life" I think...Anyway, it was heart-warming and I admit that I did allow a few particles of saline water seep from my lacrimal glands.

That reminds me that today in Physio we were learning about the female reproductive organs and there was a very graphic slide of a woman's underside which consisted of her epidermal surfaces showing with legs apart from an upward view. Anyway, Doc said that every year an administrator walked in as he showed that slide and he usually got in trouble, but to our dismay, that recurrence ceased its tradition. Instead this attendance girl came in and Kayla was like "Hey! Look what we're learning!" It was quite hilarious.

Now I are tired.
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