Jul 05, 2005 14:08
You and me we'll all go down in history with a sad statue of liberty and a generation that didnt agree.
-theres somethin for youll to ponder
I had a great day yesterday which would also be my anniversary with michael. I got up..did my morning stuff. Michael called and asked if i wanted over. So begged my dad and went to his house. It was so sweet of Michael, since i had neither breakfast or lunch. He fixed me a hot dog. All i have to do is say the words. Hes so sweet. Then we layed on the couch, and Michael came up with a new sound. GARRRR. haha inside joke. You guys wouldnt get it. I read his profile, its really sweet! I enjoy it.(if u actualy read this journal..leave a comment). We cuddled then moved to the other living room...and watched spider man...well somewhat watched it. For the most part i talked. We also played playstation....i lost. Of course hes always better than me. Then i had to leave:( Then talked to michael when i got home.....yes Michael is a huge part of my life. His parents canceld on him about the fireworks, so i called up krista and ehr mom. Her mom would give him a ride and stuff. So i went to kristas house early and michael came about 30 mins later. We chilled there and hung out on the steps. Then off to the fireworks at kristas dads workplace. Me and Michael played around a bit by picnic tables then we went and layed down and listened to his ipod. Its so cool that i can look into his eyes and know he loves and adores me. Hes such an awesome, wonderful boyfriend! I love him so much. Then mrs. laura and krista came to sit so we had to sit up. We watched the fireworks and we layed back down. They were so pretty, and its all the better to have the one you love beside you. The prettiest ones were the hearts to me. Im so happy that i got to spend yesterday with him and watch fireworks with him. He kept/keeps me safe and takes care of me.