Dec 07, 2007 21:13
No more planning, no more OMG!assignments, no more freaking out at the computer. I am DONE. Finito. Zip. I should have posted this yesterday but technically I didn't get home till this morning (and kind of spent the whole day trying to sort out when my bed time should be and that).
Was a great night. Yay for pubs. And great mates. (And drinks. Ok, what exactly did I have?) Seriously, everyone on the course was great. Gonna miss you all. Hope to see some of you over on the other side of the world one day. Clint, Claude, Garam, I'm pointing fingers^^
Goodbye to this leg of my life. I guess this means I should finally grow the fuck up. Thank you Helen and Nick for words of encouragement. And Claude for reminding me it can be done. Everybody. Really, you are all made of awesome.
And on a slightly different note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BB! You know who you are. Sorry I couldn't go to your show even though it was just around the corner. You know I wanted to, but I had a pub to go to class to teach. So sorry >_<. Blame Cambridge for the horrible scheduling. Hope you had a great runway. I wouldn't be who I am without you. Love you to bits and pieces.