Dec 11, 2007 01:19
So in like, total procrastinating fashion, I sort of pushed back the flailing till now which is, uh, no longer such a flaily date. But whatevs. XF2 STARTED FILMING TODAY YESTERDAY! OMG YAYZ!!
There have been celebratory posts popping up everywhere, which is just fantastic. Reminds me of the good old days when TXF was THE FANDOM and everyone who was not blind was an avid MSR shipper. Not like, you know, nowadays when kids would wear these fonky ship!goggles and start seeing ships where there aren't any. Like, for serious, Cameron. WHO? Ham. WHAT? O_o. It's not even kosher!! *points accusing finger annoyingly* AND NO I AM NOT JEWISH BUT LISA EDELSTEIN IS SO THERE. But of course, one should not bash another's ship even if I do eat it occasionally slapped between bits of bread. Then I'm lovin' it. (Ooh, bad pun. Baaaaad.)
Sidenote. No XF icon to mark the occasion because Lisa has completely taken over my userpics and I am still a poor student recent graduate (Monday. The 3rd. My graduation. Last week. Somehow I think I forgot to post about it. Hmm. Wonder what that says about my thoughts on graduation ceremonies of boredom?) who is sadly unemployed in this festive season so cannot enjoy the luxuries of a paid account.
ETA: Spent a great chunk of the day searching for GA on Youtube. (My DD appetite having been somewhat sated by Californication.) Saw bits of Bleak House. I must say the acting is very good. If only I could be into the classics more seeing as I am supposed to be an English major and that. Actually, if I could one of these days find out what exactly it is I have against the classics it would probably be very good for my psyche. I am not kidding.