Ok, that was it, my winter break is over and now I'm getting ready to go back to school tomorrow *sobs*. It was such a good time to stay at home or hanging out with friends. I saw a lot of friends I neglected during the semester, and the ones I wasn't able to see make me promise we'll meet at the next anime convenction, who knows, maybe I'll cosplay or sing at the karaoke event, it would be nice. I went to the cinema a lot, got my tummy sick for a couple of days, well, a good time ^^.
Also, was the perfect time to release my addiction to World of Warcraft (WoW). I never, ever played a MMORPG, because I know I get addicted to those games from hell veeeery easily. Never played Ragnarok, Ultima, Lineage or anything like that! But nooo, my dear friends from college played it and they wanted me to play too! So I ended playing on the alliance side (the good ones, kinda).
It's a very very good game, great graphics and playability, so anyone who may be interested, and doesn't want to pay for the real game in blizzard, I can give you the game and all play in one, a pirate server which crashes and has a lot of bugs but is for free :D. Come and play in the azeroth realm!
And because I want, all my girls! <3
Aliosha, level 42, is a human paladin (a warrior/mage mixed class)
Seiren, level 12, a night elf druid (can shapesft into animals and trees)
Lieses, level 10, a draenei hunter (can have pets which fight by them side)
Aliosha in her purple elephant, an Elekk
Elekk again, because I love it <3
And another mount of Aliosha, a warhorse, but I don't use it because it's ugly xD
For the Alliance! death to the horde :D
Now would you please wish me luck for my next semester? especially because I'm planning to work while studying, in order to earn some money for Yaoi-con next year :D