Jun 07, 2007 17:22
Grocery store today, I took one of the double carts (the ones like Target & Walmart have, not the ones that look like trucks) cuz kids were both essentially asleep still when we went in the store & there was one of those carts in the cart coral thing near where I parked. Once they truely woke up (while we were shopping) they were kind of climbing around on the seats (no I don't make them stay buckled on those as long as they're not being too dangerous) and were giggling hysterically (& rather loudly) about something or other, as I passed an older (50-ish, so not OLD but older than me, closer to grandparent than parent of kids my kids' age) in one aisle she said something along the lines of giggles like that being the absolute best sound in the world. It just made me smile. So often I feel like people are annoyed by kids being kids & I totally get, and agree, that there is appropriate behavior for given situations & that it can be annoying (or worse) when kids aren't behaving appropriately but really stuff like kids talking/giggling loudly in a place like a grocery store, who is it hurting? And yet I've certainly gotten dirty looks for it before. Was nice to have someone appreciate kids happily being kids :)