Random Musings

Apr 17, 2011 22:19

I must say, my mind likes to wander when I'm relaxing, like when I'm in the shower. There is, of course, nothing mentally stimulating about taking a shower, so randomness ensues. Such random musings result in lj entries like the one you are about to read.

So Donald Trump made a brilliant statement today. Tl;dr, it boils down to "I know how to lower gas prices! We'll just tell Big Oil to lower them!! Obama's just too chickenshit to do that!!" I couldn't believe he actually said that, tbh. But my thoughts drifted back to that statement while I was showering. Let's pretend for an instant that he meant that in all seriousness. The thing is, in an ideal world Trump's suggestion would work.

Which makes Trump an idealist.

Which makes me like him, in a sense, because I'm an idealist. O_O After a fashion, anyway.

Sticking to this hypothetical where he meant this statement as more than something to tear down the Obama Administration, which seems to be all that Teabaggers are capable of doing these days, there's one big difference between Trump's idealistic ideas and my own, and I guess that's what separates us more than anything else. I'm an idealist, yes; but I'm also a realist in a lot of ways. I think of things that would work in a perfect society, then try to pare them down to something that would work in our world, or dismiss them out-of-hand because our world isn't perfect.

My fiancee linked me to a Linkin Park parody video today that in addition to being amusing made me think about them too. I started singing Nobody's Listening to myself in the shower after going through the Trump thought process, and as I sang it I noticed the lyrics drift to a different, but similar-sounding Linkin Park song called In the End. When I did that I stopped and tried to force myself back to Nobody's Listening, but I couldn't get the lyrics back in my head. The parody is funny, but it's also right. The most unique thing about Nobody's Listening as opposed to other LP songs is the use of a Japanese flute called a shakuhachi at the beginning of the song, which made the song stick in my head more than the others on that album when it was first released.

I got to thinking about relationships today, My thoughts first went to, I never cared for a spring wedding, but that's exactly what I'm about to get in two weeks -- albeit a small affair, and only to help both me and my fiancee out in the long run. Then I got to thinking about how different the world is today, that we can have these online long-distance relationships that are still as full of love and trust as Taty's and mine.

My mom's second marriage started out as a LDR -- although not as long-distance as my own is. He was only in Arkansas, not in another country. They emailed back and forth for several months, then he came up here one Thanksgiving for them to meet in person -- and at the same time, met her parents (my grandparents). The rest is history. However, I guarantee you that if my mom had known about Taty's and my relationship sooner than she did, she would've told me to get right out of it, because there was no way I could know who or what she truly was, and she could be some crazy psycho killer -- because, you know, everyone is a crazy psycho killer on the internet. ;)

Is the definition of a relationship changing? Is the dynamic? Or is it just that the younger generation is so used to the internet that we don't even think twice about falling head over heels for someone who might only exist behind a screen? I find it interesting that, if we had lived even a decade ago, there woulda been no chance in hell that Taty and I would have ever met, much less gotten into a relationship like this; but boy, I'm so glad we did. =D

I'm pretty sure there were other things that I wanted to write about that have slipped my mind after I got out of the shower, but those two were the ones foremost in my mind. =3

Oh, also? Today was my last day working for DirecTV. I am now officially shut of that job. \o/ Now to focus on getting through the rest of the semester...


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