In the morning, I wake up
To thoughts of you, and I smile.
I go about my day,
Be it work or play
Be it school or sleep,
In my thoughts you stay.
When I'm lonely, I cheer up
With thoughts of you, and I smile.
I might be sad or blue,
Or my feelings just askew.
You come to mind and I'm at peace.
You're all I need to see it through.
When we're at home, I cuddle up
To talk to you, and I smile.
Even when I come home beat,
You always say something that's sweet.
You help me laugh when I'm at my worst.
It makes my day complete.
Late at night, lying in bed,
I dream of you, and I smile.
~~Courtney McDowell, (cc) 31 Dec 2010
I love you, my beautiful princess, and here's to a wonderful 2010 spent with you and an even better 2011 to come.
...And I Smile by
Courtney McDowell is licensed under a
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