Aug 23, 2008 13:58
1. So I'm most likely starting at the community college on September 22. I only feel like a failure a little bit.*
2. I haven't spoken to Jordi since July 30th because he made me cry, the most hysterically I have since finals, for two hours until I called my best friend and cried to her and calmed down. He tried to call me three times while I was talking to her, but since then has only texted me twice, and only because in a sick form of irony my phone finally decided to send him some pictures I had been trying to send him before the 30th.
3. I am still slightly heartbroken.
4. I am trying to draw and write again. I figure if I'm not going off to a fancy, prestigious college, then I have nothing else to keep me happy. (Even though the drawing and writing is not really bringing the happy on a reliable wavelength, but hey, maybe it will get better. Cross your fingers for me.)
5. Though I suppose I could get a job...**
6. Might be getting a car even though IRONY DEALS ANOTHER SWIFT BLOW in the fact that I have yet to get my license.
7. I know I sound bitter and unsatisfied with life, and I'm here to assure you that it's because I am.
8. Yet, at the same time, somehow, sickly amused by everything going wrong and in that point of view able to make fun of everything around me?***
9. My paid account ran out. I have yet to decide whether I really care anymore. (Though I do miss the icons.)
10. I got a Mac for my graduation present. The biggest present was that I actually graduated. Yes. I cried. (Though I was kind of distracted by the gigantic beach balls my class whipped out during the ceremony. Most disrespectful class during a Graduation Ceremony at Sherwood High? I THINK SO. WAY TO GO '08, WAY TO GO)
EDIT: 11. Oh yeah. How'd I forget this? Well, seeing as it is the most recent development in my life, naturally I pay it no thought. I AM LIVING IN THE PAST--
Ahem. So number 11 is that I have a bump in my right breast. I had an ultrasound on it yesterday. We'll know Monday what it is! GUYS CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR FYBROCYSTIC BREAST DISEASE OR FIBROADENOMA
On a more random note, I think I want to change my usernames on every website I have an account for.
What do you think of:
*I feel like a failure a whole lot.
**Safari Sam's I have my eye on, but then again, would a children daycare where I was accused of pooping in the jungle gym be a good idea? (IT WAS ACTUALLY A THREE YEAR OLD, YOU JERKS, AND I WAS IN 4TH GRADE. GEEZ. WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM, SOME KIND OF CRETAN?) I guess I could go with the heroic goal that I will never allow another child to be accused of that crime ever again.
***Everything around me is pretty much just: myself.
guess who's back back back-- back again