
Jun 07, 2004 18:57

Well I just thought that since I haven't wrote in here in awhile I though that I would...I really don't have that much to say but I'm bored so I'l just say a little to spare all of you...lol today I was outside helping my sister wash her car well I was letting her finish up on the inside of the car while I started to wash my mom's car...As I started on my mom's car their was this big puddle of water in the drive-way and I was standing right in it...I looked down at the water and it made me think of the last few weeks that we were in school...One day it started raining right before lunch and as we were standing outside during lunch their was all kind of water falling off the roof of the canopy and Kari got a handful of water and was putting it all over Oliver and anyone else that was in her path lol...A few minutes later I turned around and saw Oliver with a cup in his hand filling it up with water from the canopy and right before I was fixing to tell Kari to watch out he pours it on her she barely got wet form it because it got someone else more then it did her lol:P...Then knowing Kari she still goes after Oliver the whole time during lunch...My pants were soaked really bad then it was time to go to fourth period and I think that I can say that Kari and I about froze in her class because we were so wet lol:D.

Well I don't know what got me to thinking about this but I miss all my true friends from Elementary School...I have to say I had the five greatest friends and they were all that I really needed in life then...Then slowly one by one they all faded away because they all moved I felt so alone...I look back on all the times that we had together...All the times that I went over to Dylan's house and Krista's and even Melanie's house...Each and every day I wonder if I'll ever get to see them again...Just like the other day I opened up the book called Where the Sidewalk Ends yes I know that it's a very old book but it means everything to me because that is the book that Dylan gave to me before he moved and that was in 1994 and that was almost nine years ago and I haven't seen him since...Then to top all thing off even more Krista moved when we were in the third or fourth grade don't quite remember for sure but I have this little stuffed cat that she gave to me at the end of the year right before she left too...I tell my mom that I always hope that she will come back she honestly was like my second sister to me...And then there was when Ashley moved and Melanie, Jessica and a few more I knew that I couldn't stop them from moving but to this day I wish that we could all meet again and see each other...When I say I miss all my true friends it has nothing to do with any of my friends now it's just a thing where I miss all my original friends that I had when I was little...Know I do know this the best year of my life was fifth grade lol I know that was along time ago but that happened to be the year that I meet Alana, Lindsey, Hilary, Amanda, and Brittney lol I just want to thanks you people for making my Elementary life a little easier on me you guys are the greatest ~Love ya~.
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