~!*What's Up*!~

Jun 08, 2004 20:54

Hey! Well there really isn't to much to say today but I thought that I would go on and put in an entry for today...Well first of all I woke up at 7:00 this morning because me and my mom had to go to Princeton and she wanted to leave by nine...Then to make things worst I was up until three O'clock this morning so I was really tired and I still am...We got home around 10:00 and we were suppose to go to the farm and take my dad and brother something to eat for lunch because they started cutting wheat today but dad called and told us that we didn't need to worry about it because Ben was going to pay for their lunch...Then around 12 or so Alex and Josie came over they are the two little girls that my sister babysits over the summer so they were over at the house until three and all they wanted to do was watch DVD'S and play on the computer...After they left I went out in the Garage since that's where my brother moved in he had it painted a UK blue and put a entertainment center in their and his computer and a bunch of other stuff and he also has his Ps2 in their so I have been playing this one game on their lately I was bond to win this I didn't think that I would because usually when I start a game I never finish it but I finally beat it today lol yea don't ask why I had to bring that up I'm just bored so I thought that I'd would just tell you about it lol:P...My brother and his girlfriend are at a Jessica Simpson concert in Nashville today and they were going to take me but when she order the tickets she forgot to get one for me and it was already to late to get me after she thought about it because I wouldn't be able to get a sit next to them...but that's okay I told my brother to just bring me back a shirt or something and I'll be fine...Well I guess that's all I really have to say for today

~Love ya~
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