Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy

Jul 11, 2005 20:18

Well, I just wrote myself my second ever drabble in HP fiction! This is for jamie2109's AWDT, and I'm hoping its okay. Its connected to the first drabble that I wrote, which can be found originally here. But I'll post it again so you can read them in order.

Title: Two Benchs or Silence Part One
Author: ashice_roses
Rating: General
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 288
Disclaimer It all belongs to J.K.Rowling, Warner Bro's, etc. Not mine
A/N: This was first written for son_of_darkness's picture prompt drabble, ages ago. I looked for the picture that this was prompted by, but it looks like its been taken down. It was a picture of a snow covered landscape with two empty benchs on the side. So, here's the drabble...

Harry trudged slowly through the snow. It was a beautiful winter here, crisp and cold, and here in the middle of Central Park, even the sounds of traffic that were constantly with you in the city, faded. There were not many people out this early, and the sky was dark and heavy with more promised snow.

Harry revelled in the silence. It was peace from the usual racket that most of the time centred around him. He was sick and tired of being the only symbol of hope, in a world that had so quickly fallen to pieces around him. People always staring, touching, falling down on bended knees in front of him. He was no Christ, he knew that, but the problem was that most others didn’t. Yet how could he turn them away, say no, when there was so little to hope left in this world anyway. He couldn’t take away what little they had.

He started as a squirrel ran in front of him, and then up a tree. The noise was so soft, the snow skittered beneath the tiny paws, and Harry smiled. The animals did not know what was going on. They were still free to do what they wanted, and Harry loved that. It was a freedom that he and many others did not have any more.

He saw two lonely benches by the lake, lightly dusted with snow. Walking over, he sat down, and let out a sigh of relief. He was out, and the day that was just beginning was so beautiful. He leaned back into the seat, and was lost to the serenity of the moment. His breath slowed, and in the empty white lands, Harry Potter let go.


Title: Two Benchs or Silence Part Two
Author: ashice_roses
Rating: General
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 282
Disclaimer It all belongs to J.K.Rowling, Warner Bro's, etc. Not mine.
A/N: This is for jamie2109's AWDT (Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy), with the prompt "Somebody told me..."

Draco Malfoy was walking slowly down one of the paths when he saw the lonely figure sitting on a bench beside the lake. He was struck by how peaceful everything was, the only sound was snow crunching under his feet as he walked, and the distant cry of birds. The sounds of the city that surrounded them were gone, replaced by a quiet serenity that was refreshing.

He could see that Harry hadn’t heard him, and as he walked quietly around, and sat on the other bench, he watched the expression on Harry’s face, to see when he realised he wasn’t alone any more. It was slow in coming, and his breath caught in his throat as he watched the eyelids flutter upon his pale cheeks, then the piercing green of Harry’s eyes caught his, and he was lost.

“Draco. What are you doing here?”

Draco turned with a sigh away from Harry, to look out across the lake. A duck paddled slowly across, the ripples gradually fading, until they were caught by another small gust of wind and sent another way. “Somebody told me that you’d be here, so I came. And…I just needed to get away.” As he said this, he turned back to Harry, knowing that this was exactly the reason that the other man was out here as well.

A small smile played across Harry’s face, acknowledging the silent understanding that had passed between them. He reached out a hand, and Draco took it. A slight tug from Harry had Draco moving across to sit on the other bench next to Harry, Their thighs were warm where they touched, and the two hands rested, twined together on top. Leaning back, they both breathed out, and watched as a bird swooped and ducked in the air currents over the lake.

So, I'm hoping it was okay. I'm nervous, but I don't think its too bad, so if you read, please tell me what you think! Please? *gives flowers to all*

my fics, awdt, writing, hp drabbles

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