(no subject)

Dec 07, 2006 16:02

Well, I've been to Sydney and back, and my interview was --- such a success! at least I think so. I talked and talked, and asked him questions as well, and there was laughing, and general chattiness, which I'm thinking...is a good sign? Anyway, well worth the airfair down to Sydney, and now I just need to know whether I get in. It competetive as hell (he said last year 300 people applied, and there are 32 places!) but I'm now thinking I have a good chance. Cross your fingers for me!

I did quite of lot of spending time with grandma, which actually was quite nice and made me feel nice for being nice (she is a lovely grandma overall) . Also became a perminant installation in the Art Gallery of NSW over the weekend...I love that place *sigh*

Shopping wise bought a beautiful new dress (shall post a picture next time I wear it) and the most lovely top, which made me feel all gooey inside.

I've been horribly lazy today, and spent it reading mistful's "Quality of Mercy" and quite fell in love with her yet again. Also been reading some of the fic exchanges that have been posted, and there are some amazing ones... oh the love!

And there is this beautiful love Meme thing where you post your livejournal name, and annon people can comment about things they like about you. Parts and ideas of lj like this make me go squee, its so beautiful, and makes everyone involved very happy. So go over and have a look. My name is

friends, fandom, real life

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