Oct 15, 2009 09:05
Ok, if you know me you know I have no love for the current government of Canada. I in fact have a problem with the system in general, but that is another topic for another day.
I am appalled at the latest antics of the Conservative party and it's MP's. It's the whole novelty checks with Conservative logos or Steven Harpers face and or signature, etc. This is just insane. How in the world do you think it is correct to put your parties image on a Canadian (tax payers) Check. The Governments of Canada have been handing out these novelty checks for as long as I can remember, and this is the first time I have ever seen such flagrant party advertising.
I think in part, it come for the fact that they (The Conservatives) do not identify themselves as the Government of Canada. In fact I heard on the news nets that for the last half a year the press releases have all been identified as from The Harper Government.
Is that where we all live now, Harper-Land? No thank you.
One of the major problems I have with OUR Government these days, is that it seems to be in campaign mood all the time. All the different parties are guilty of this. I think I can say the Canadian public is totally fed up with this. If you want to understand the apathy of the voting public you just need to look at the fact the instead of Working with what they have, the government continually tries to one up each other. "but you guys did this badly " "we are better" "Lets stop wasting our time and (tax payers) money on trying to promote your party or attacking the others.
We the Canadian people want OUR government now!
Stay True North Strong & Free.