
Oct 20, 2021 07:28

I've been completely immersing myself in the XVIII. International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition that's been streamed online these past couple of weeks. I've never actually seen a piano competition live before, and to have one devoted entirely to the works of my very favorite piano composer is like a dream come true for me. It's so wonderful to be able to see others perform these Chopin pieces I love about a million times more exquisitely than I ever could play them!

I took 11 years of piano lessons when I was growing up, but I only performed in front of an audience one time, when I was 13. :) It was a junior high talent show, and because I loved the comic strip Peanuts so much, I dressed up as Schroeder with a red striped shirt and black short pants. I remember striding pompously onto the stage and performing this Chopin polonaise. (N.b. This was recorded at home, not at the talent show. And yes, I did post this here a while back, so you can skip it if you heard it then. I'm not going to subject you to it twice.) ;)

Pretty terrible, I know, but I played it way better onstage; perfectly, as I recall. But what really surprised me was, after the show, several of my fellow students came up to me and expressed amazement at my piano performance, even girls, who practically never spoke to me. They all said, like, "I didn't know you could DO that!" My social status shot up overnight. I wasn't just the skinniest geek in school anymore who everybody looked down on or pushed around. After playing in that talent show, I was never bullied again. So, thanks, Mom! I guess I got some good out of those lessons after all.

Seriously, though, I really do have to say "Thank You, Mother," for making me take piano. I hated a lot of it - having to spend all that time practicing when I'd rather be playing with my friends - but it gave me an appreciation of music that enhanced the rest of my life tremendously, and for that, I am truly grateful. :)

PS: I'm sure either Liu or Garcia is going to get the Gold Medal this year. :) Both are absolutely brilliant interpreters of the maestro!

nostalgia, music

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