Dec 14, 2020 02:00
I'm becoming increasingly concerned about my eyesight. The multiple blind spots that have appeared in my right eye since August are apparently not in my eye at all, but are being caused by problems either in the optic nerve or in the higher visual pathway in my brain.
Also, the cataract in that eye is now 3/4 opaque, giving me vision that is dark and fuzzy, like looking through frosted brown glass. I'm due to have the cataract removed at a clinic in Los Angeles soon, but even with that gone, the blind spots will remain, and I'm afraid they could continue to grow in size and number.
On top of that, two nights ago, the vitreous in my right eye detached from the retina, and my already compromised vision is now filled with a swirling cloud of black floaters. I'm just praying that this doesn't cause a retinal detachment, in which case I'll be in serious trouble, as I live too far away from a specialist who could put my retina back in place in time to save my vision.
My other eye already has a permanent visual disability that resulted from a failed cataract surgery in 2011. The loose implant and the unstable vision it causes forces me to live in a house with all of my windows and skylights blacked out, and has prevented me from even simply reading a printed book for the last 9 years. And the doctor here still has no explanation for why the left eye has been hurting me almost constantly for months.
My eyes were everything to me in my younger years. The prospect of losing vision in either or both of them is pretty discouraging to say the least.
real life