(no subject)

Aug 24, 2005 22:48

(x) I have a cell phone.
( ) I am an only child.
(x) I am a shopaholic.
( ) I love dangly earrings
( ) I have smoked a cigarette before.
( ) I do drugs
( ) I am an alcoholic.
( ) I love cold weather.
( ) I am obsessed with the computer.
( ) I have shot a gun before.
(x) I can not live without music.
( ) I have no tolerance for ignorant people.
(x) I have ridden on a motorcycle before.
( ) I will be in this town forever.
( ) I have been to 5 other countries.
(x) I get annoyed easily.
(x) I eventually want kids.
( ) I have neat handwriting.
(x) I have more than a few horrible memories.
( ) I am addicted to chocolate.
(x) I have a sibling/siblings.
(x) My parents are were strict.
(x) I love airplane rides.
(x) I love taking pictures.
(x) I hate people who are fake.
(x) I can be mean when I want to be.
(x) My parents care about my grades.
(x) One of my best friends is a guy.
(x) I am easy to talk to.
(x) I hate when people are late.
(X) I procrastinate.
(x) I love springtime.
(x) I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
( ) I love to sleep.
(x) I wish I were smarter.
( ) I am afraid of flying.
(x) I hate drama.
( ) I bite my nails.
( ) I have been on a 9 hour car ride or longer.
( ) I never fight with my parents.
(x) I love the beach.
( ) I have never had the chicken pox.
(x) I have gone out in public in my pajamas.
(x) I can not control my emotions.
(x) I have a best friend.
( ) I have moved more than once.
(x) I truly love my friends.
( ) I have braces.
( ) I love to write.
( ) I have never broken a bone.
( ) I love my computer.
(x) I am a happy person.
( ) I love to dance.
( ) I love to sing.
(x) I love to act crazy and be funny.
( ) I love cleaning my room.
( ) I tend to get jealous very easily.
(x) I like night better than day.
(x) I have been on the phone for over 5 hours at a time.
(x) I don't like to study for tests.
( )I have had pneumonia.
(x) I am too forgiving.
(x) I have horrible sense in direction.
(x) I miss elementary school.
( ) My eye color changes.
(x) I become stressed easily.
(x) I hate liars.
(x) I like comfy sweatpants.
( ) I can play the piano.
(x) I like to play in the rain.
(x) I love my family.
(x) I hate needles.
( ) I am a perfectionist.
( ) I always wanted to learn to play the guitar or drums.
(x) I hate the feeling of failure.
( ) I have friends in other countries.
(x) I know how to cook.
( ) I can speak another language.
(x) At times, I can be very selfish.
(x) At times, I still act like a little kid.
( ) I have allergies.
(x) I love little kids.
( ) I love to read.
(x) I wish I was more motivated for school.
(x) I like getting stuff in the mail.
( ) I have problems with letting go of old feelings/memories.
(x) I hate being alone.
(x) I like friends and think I can never have too many.
(x) I like summer.
(x) I like weekends.
(x) I can type with one hand
(x) I live in a house.
( ) I can't swim.
( ) I go to church.
( ) I sing in the shower.
( ) I have never been camping.
( ) I hate cheerleaders.
( x) I usually get what I want.
(x) I have been on stage before.
(x) I love roller coasters.
( ) I am close with my parents.
( ) I have never been skiing or snowboarding.

a n g e r section

do you have a quick temper?:yes
what do you do when you're mad?: stop talking and stare
what's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?: told my best friend i hate them
if you can take back time, would you have never done this?: yeah.
ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: yup.
ever physically hurt someone when you were mad?: yup.
do you curse when you're mad?: yup.

c r y i n g section.

when was the last time you really cried your heart out?:umm, a couple of days ago
ever cried yourself to sleep?: yup.
ever cried on your friend's shoulder? yeah
ever cried over the opposite sex? yah
do you cry when you get an injury? when i broke my arm i laughed then i tried to get up and i cried
do certain songs make you cry? sometimes.
can you make yourself cry? i wish i was that skilled

p a i n section.

what's the hardest thing you've ever had to go through? erg... Paula moving?
what's the worst thing you've done to yourself?: nothing?
what's the worst thing you've done to somebody else?: i dont know
ever had a painful break up?: yes
what about the old 'pain for pleasure'?: uhh no?
how depressed can you get?: VERY
do you inflict pain on yourself?: no.

h a p p y section.

are you normally a happy person?: usually
what can make you happy?: Dayve ad sad to say... food
do you wish you were happier?: sometimes.
what makes you the happiest?: Dayve and food at the same time
is being happy overrated?: no it is the best feeling in the world
what about being with your friends, does that make you happy?: yes and no
can music make you happy?: yes

l o v e section.

how many times have you had your heart broken?: 2?
do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others?: no
have you ever loved someone so much, that you'd die for them?: yes.
did you ever love a guy, tell them that, and only got 'thanks' as a reply?: no.
ever loved someone so much, it hurt and made you cry?: yes.
has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you? yes.
ever stopped a relationship because they didn't say 'i love you'?: no.

h a t e section.

who do you actually hate?: i dont know
ever made a hit list?: no.
have you ever been on a hit list?: i think so?
are you a mean bully?: sometimes then after i feel bad
do you hate any one that breaks your heart?: yup
do you hate George Bush?: no.
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