mmmm, a female's fantasy
i adore her!!!
seeing her arouses something in me
my hidden sexuality??? ahaha!!
i love the angles and most specially the stare.
i particularly love her eyes.
so sensuous. from a woman's point of view, that is.
anyway, since im talking about sexuality now, might as well explore mine.
you see, sexuality for me is very relative. its how you perceive yourself to be.
sexual orientation per se is not what people perceive you to be rather
its how you see yourself.
this is a very sensitive issue particularly in our country.
i really dont like those who make gender sterotypes and condone sexual preferences that do not mirror theirs.
this is a free country for goodness sake.
anyway, lets go to a more lively issue. harhar!
we are chatting right now.
but we have nothing to talk about.
our minds are blank. we are speechless.
i try to open one but it is all about morbidity. sheesh, change topics please.
anyway, i cant concentrate anymore. maybe next time okai!!!