Got two nice shots of Jupiter last night running at 400X magnification. Seeing was so-so. Unfortunately for me, Jupiter is drifting through the southern skies from where I live so the light pollution is obscene, but I did my best.
Two images here inside:
This first shot is pretty much a 'straight view' of Jupiter through my telescope and camera. I'm using my 10mm Plossl eyepiece, my crappy 2X Barlow magnifying eyepiece, and an additonal 2X of digital zoom from the camera which works out to 400X.
This second shot is a stack of 657/1000 frames pushed together in Registax and level-corrected in Paint Shop Pro 8. Really brought out the cloud detail. Sorry about the chromatic abberation. That's the Barlow. I have also flipped and rotated the image for correct orientation. The Great Red Spot is clearly visible on the lower right.