May 18, 2006 02:35
Okay, no pictures yet from the gig last night. I haven't seen them either so..patience. Quite the high having something go over well, lemme tell you. Big thankyous to everyone who came out. Not a bad night, especialy for a Tuesday.
Now, onto other things. Let me state for the record that if you are the owner of a Playstation 2 and you don't have "Guitar Hero", go get it. Cough up the extra bread and get the dual-controller version. That game is fucking addictive an a whole lot of fun, I am not kidding. Sure, I laughed it up when I saw it at Fry's Electronics a back in March, but I was unprepared for how much FUN it was. Nice to have a game where phrases like "In y00r base killing y00r d00dz" doesn't mean a damned thing.
"Hold your guitar lower. You're not in The Beatles" (this one is my personal favorite)
"Never let your drummer have the microphone. You'll regret it." (too true)
"When people are yelling for 'Freebird' they don't want you to play it. They're heckling you." (Not a word from those who went to the show last night. you asked for it.)
"NEver let the drummer handle the money. Leave it to the bassist." (some around here would seriously argue with that)
I'll admit to being soured on gaming in general for awhile now. I got tired of seeing people sucked down the inevitable dark hole of EverQuest/World Of Warcraft or any of the 8-billion first-person-shooter clones out there. It's nice to inject some joy back in.