Covert Porn Writing and Fic Exchange

May 16, 2009 20:28

So, my laptop - both my laptops - is currently out of commission and I've had to make due with public machines. This works fine for checking e-mail and facebook and twitter and so on; it does not work for porn writing. I've had to be stealthy as a ninja, coming and going at night without a trace so I could complete my fic for the Heroes Fanfic Exchange. At one point this cute guy was trying to be helpful and hand me the draft I'd printed out and he picked up a page describing something *cough* very intimate.
Stealthy ninja as I am, I smiled and thanked him and then disappeared faster than you can say "undercover slash writer".
And my poor, poor beta. I sent him draft after draft because honestly I'm all nerves.
And I reread the damn fic today and I found another typo ("of" instead of "if" and some more)! How does that even happen when I proofread it so many times my eyes started bleeding?!

That being said... man, I loved writing for the exchange and right now I'm reading through the fics that have been posted, and they're amazing. Like... golden, delicious, beautiful, crazy good fics. I bow down to each and everyone of these writers. They win. They win at everything.

I'm doing the Feedback Frenzy Table for the exchange. You should do it too, you'll get a shiny banner and the writers really deserve some praising :D

This Property is Condemned Saturday
So Hard it Hurts Saturday
Micro Slave Sunday
Once Upon A Time Sunday
My World Would Not Be The Same Without You Sunday
Bound Monday
Wings Monday
Caught in the Rain Monday
Transposition Tuesday
Friday On My Mind Tuesday
The Apple Doesn't Fall... Tuesday
A Funny Sort Of Thing and Ain't No Sunshine Wednesday
Medicine Wednesday
Rapunzel Wednesday
Radio Silence Thursday
To Formulate A Plan Thursday
Before I Sputter Out Thursday
Day Like Today Reader's Choice
Bellis Perennis Reader's Choice
Politics Of The Heart

ETA: Phew, done. That was fun :D

fandom: heroes, fic:heroes, challenge: heroes fic exchange, misc:things that made me squee, misc: my life is good

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