Of Weirdos and LOLface

Feb 23, 2010 15:57

Okay, so here's a bit of backstory.

A couple months ago, this weird ass motherfucker IMed me and asked me if I'd like a job. It was a waitressing job, but I'd have to dress skanky, apparently the girls make a lot of money. So Danica, Gabby and I decided it would be fun. We expressed interest.

He said that he wanted to "interview" us, but naturally, we couldn't all come together, oh no, he wanted to see us each alone.

I asked to talk to one of the girls who had worked for him before, and he made up a screenname and IMed me with it, pretending to be a girl named "Katie".

He said some creepy shit to Danica, so he blocked her on the principle that she was being "bitchy" for retaliating against his weirdness.

He called me with an Unknown number, and asked me things like where I worked and what our facebooks were, like a weirdo.

I called him out and he blocked me.

Now, two months later, he IMs me again.

This was the conversation.

Do you know this person? Report IM Spam
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bkg420420 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
bkg420420 (8:33:05 AM): hey
bkg420420 (8:33:24 AM): sorry about all the confusion from before. you are your friends really did seem like chill girls, but things just got a little out of hand
bkg420420 (8:33:44 AM): for like no reason either lol....i guess that is the beauty of talking on AIM. you can never tell someones tone ya kno
bkg420420 (8:37:13 AM): ?
bkg420420 (8:45:51 AM): ??
bkg420420 (9:31:17 AM):
bkg420420 (10:10:04 AM): mean!
bkg420420 signed off at 11:39:01 AM.
bkg420420 signed on at 11:39:01 AM.
bkg420420 (10:55:03 AM): ?
bkg420420 signed off at 11:39:01 AM.
bkg420420 (3:25:17 PM): ?
Daylyte Dancer (3:25:33 PM): LOL
Daylyte Dancer (3:25:38 PM): Leave me alone
bkg420420 (3:25:48 PM): whats ur problem? lol
bkg420420 (3:26:05 PM): dont be rude, im not
Daylyte Dancer (3:27:40 PM): I don't care. go away. I don't want to talk to you now, or ever again, because you're a sketchy ass weirdo. Clear? Excellent. Now go away.
bkg420420 (3:27:51 PM): how do you figure?
bkg420420 (3:27:56 PM): i was more than nice to you and ur friends
bkg420420 (3:28:12 PM): except one lol
bkg420420 (3:28:21 PM): i was rude to one of them, but she was pretty bitchy
Daylyte Dancer (3:29:29 PM): I saw the conversation, idiot, she wasn't bitchy at all. You were being fucking creepy, so she naturally retaliated. Look, I don't have any interest in speaking with a sex offender so I am going to ask you, once again, to leave me alone.
bkg420420 (3:31:16 PM): wow lol
bkg420420 (3:31:20 PM): well it seemed bitchy to me
bkg420420 (3:31:30 PM): and i didnt mean to come off like that, it sucks thats what u think of me
Daylyte Dancer (3:31:55 PM): LOL LOL LOL
Daylyte Dancer (3:32:00 PM): Listen
bkg420420 (3:32:12 PM): stop being rude, im not
Daylyte Dancer (3:33:17 PM): Normal people don't fucking solicit girls over the internet. "only one of you can come at a time for a job interview" yeah fucking right. Also, if you were legit, you wouldn't hide behind AIM like a twelve year old, call on a RESTRICTED NUMBER, and MAKE UP A SCREENNAME for a ficticious girl who supposedly worked for you before
Daylyte Dancer (3:33:20 PM): you are a liar
Daylyte Dancer (3:33:24 PM): you are a fucking weirdo
Daylyte Dancer (3:33:27 PM): you are probably a rapist
Daylyte Dancer (3:33:32 PM): and i want nothing to do with you
Daylyte Dancer (3:33:34 PM): Now fuck off
Daylyte Dancer (3:33:35 PM): okay?
bkg420420 signed off at 3:33:41 PM.
bkg420420 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

LOL @ coward. LOL @ weird creepo.

Let's all point and laugh.

Also, the lovely oilymoonmooncow decided to chew the freak out, this was the conversation that entailed from that :D

[14:42] PaleEnviousMoon: ur offering a job to ashe?
[14:42] PaleEnviousMoon: it sounds like somethign i would do
[14:42] PaleEnviousMoon: <--one of her more open-minded friends
[14:42] bkg420420: doubt it, she was mad rude to me
[14:43] PaleEnviousMoon: Oh? How so?
[14:43] PaleEnviousMoon: She's never been rude to m e...
[14:43] bkg420420: i know its you dude, im not an idiot
[14:43] PaleEnviousMoon: No it's really not
[14:43] PaleEnviousMoon: My name's Cynthia, I'm her buddy on livejournal
[14:43] PaleEnviousMoon: I wanted to chew someone out, you're easy prey, you freaking creepazoid.
[14:43] PaleEnviousMoon: So awwwriiight
[14:43] *** "bkg420420" signed off at Tue Feb 23 14:43:58 2010.
[14:44] PaleEnviousMoon: HHAHAA


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