Jan 10, 2003 10:45
Well there are a lot of changes going on in my life right now. My view on everything is a lot different then it used to be. Plus i'm wearing different clothes, acting different around ppl and generally trying to live my life more for me then anyone else. Some may say this is selfish and all that crap but for most of my life it's been the complete opposite.
One really big change is my 'change of scenery' that's going to be happening very soon. In fact it's less then a month away when i plan on getting on the bus and not looking back at BC for quite some time. I'm leaving virtually everyone behind. Not telling my parents, in fact i'm leaving while they are in vegas doing a run. Going to pack everything in two duffel (hockey) bags and my big hiking back and then have my little black one for my walk on. Going to carry it all to the bus place at main get on the bus and that's it, no more BC for me, at least not for a good long while. But no more of the parents i have now that's for sure. They will probably never talk to me again, which wouldn't be a big change, more better then worse, seeing as how when they talk to me now it's usually to get mad at me for screwing this or that up.
This is something i feel i need to do, i have a place to stay for the first month or so when i get there. By the time that finishes up i'll have enough money saved up from a job to move out on my own or maybe find a roommate. It's the change i've been wanting and needed for a long time. It will be great for me, help me understand me more and make myself a better person, at least that's the plan. So yeah by the 7th of Feb at the latest i'll be living a new life in a new home where virtually no on knows me, i'm just going to start over. I'm going to get a second chance.
I know a lot of ppl are going to be very mad at me, and that's fine, i can't make you not mad, but it would be nice if you could see beyond me just leave and see that i'm doing this so i can come back some day as a better person as someone who is your old friend but better in so many ways. I'll keep in touch with a select few online once i'm gone but it will only be a few ppl. So if you get an email your a message from me in Feb then you know you made the short list.
So wish me luck. It's a hard road i'm choosing to walk down but i know it's worth it.