Bits and bobs....

Jul 04, 2010 16:02

SQUEEEE! secretlytodream made me a gorgeous vid banner for my vid In Te Domine" (thanks for the lovely response to the vid btw <33). I love its subtlety and colour. And because she is super generous she also made some wallpapers as a bonus for yourlibrarian. Which I can share with you all. *G*

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greenpear July 5 2010, 20:14:35 UTC
SInce the Summer Institute is over I got back into my vidding groove also. What?¿? So it's another Doctor Who vid. What's the problem with that??? :)

So my question is this:

When it comes to vidding, what the difference between being in a groove and being in a rut?


ash48 July 6 2010, 01:02:05 UTC

Sure I'll check it out as soon as I can. :D

( is that other vid still on the cards? *hopeful look*

And I much rather be in a groove than in a rut. I hit a groove last night and it was FAB! I love it when it just seems to come together...(of course I have to look at it this morning... so it might not be as fab as I first thought).


greenpear July 6 2010, 01:24:25 UTC
I like being in the groove better too. becuase just today the muse hit for the Leverge vid. I couldn't start it until the right idea popped into my head. And I'm sure you'll love this one. But I'm not telling you anything cause it really, really, really needs to be a surprise. :)


ash48 July 6 2010, 01:35:02 UTC


greenpear July 6 2010, 01:46:25 UTC
it will be the first thing I work on after I get back from our lake trip. But beware, it will be stirring around in my mond all that time. :)


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