Bits and bobs....

Jul 04, 2010 16:02

SQUEEEE! secretlytodream made me a gorgeous vid banner for my vid In Te Domine" (thanks for the lovely response to the vid btw <33). I love its subtlety and colour. And because she is super generous she also made some wallpapers as a bonus for yourlibrarian. Which I can share with you all. *G*

1280x768 || alternate textless version

*mega smish honey* THANK YOU!!

Happy birthday varkelton. I hope you had a great day! :D

I have managed to read the grand total of ONE Big Bang *fails* and it's hers. I loved Varkelton's BB from last year An Issue of Consent and her follow up fic A Question of Choice" didn't disappoint. I loved it. And the art work for both fics is wonderful. If you get a chance check 'em out.

Note to self: You will never get the vid made if you keep stopping and watching your favourite bits. (The end of Houses of the Holy is probably up there are one of my favourite scenes ever. And it's so poignant and heart wrenching knowing what happens in the future. *sniff*)

I'm back in my vidding comfort zone with the next one. Not to say it isn't causing me some issues, but I find myself being more comfortable with themed montages. :)

podfic rec I may not be getting much reading done, but I've been listening to plenty of podfics. I have to rec a super hot (and funny) one by my new "go to" author balefully called So Quit Asking Me It's read by a guy (sir_yessir). It's the first time I've come across a podfic read by a guy and *koff* holy hell. Just something about hearing the Sam and Dean voices actually sound male...*fans self*

I'm on HOLIDAY!!! \o/ 2 glorious weeks!!

Hope you are all well and enjoying the weekend.


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