Winchester Owies

Feb 09, 2008 18:51

New SPN vid.

Title: Take me to the Hospital
Vidder: Ash
Music: Take me to the hospital
Artist: The Faints
Category: Vid picspam, I suppose, of Winchester Owies.
Spoilers: S1-3 (clips up to 3.9)
Length: 4min
Size: 35mb
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download mediafireSummary: Hurt!Winchesters. That’s it really. I have a thing for the ( Read more... )


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Comments 23

dotfic February 10 2008, 22:31:25 UTC
Yowch. This show sure does smack them around a bit. Anyway, the song and the mood of this worked well and I thought the pacing was great. In addition to the guilty pleasure of the whumpage, it's also a commentary on the roughness of their lives, how much abuse their bodies take. When you string the clips together like that, it seems amazing they're still standing.


ash48 February 11 2008, 10:21:28 UTC
Hi hun - Kripke et al sure do like to beat them around a bit that's for sure (I'm not complaining though!). Their lives are rough - and this is just the physical stuff! Their emotional issues are on top of all this. Oh boys - I do love you so.

Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it. xx


annabeth February 11 2008, 07:17:16 UTC
This was a lot of fun to watch and I definitely have a guilty pleasure for watching the boys get beat up and tortured, etc. XD I downloaded it, too, by the way.


ash48 February 11 2008, 10:33:44 UTC
Wow - thanks so much. It is definitely a guilty pleasure for me. I think that's why I had so much fun making this - I got to watch all these scenes over and over again :) (it probably also slowed me down a bit, as I found myself just sitting back and watching the entire scene, not just the bit I needed).

Thanks for taking the time to comment and download. I really appreciate it. :)


annabeth February 11 2008, 10:44:45 UTC
It was my pleasure :D And it was so awesome to have all those scenes edited together -- I probably shouldn't say that, but I'm a big fan of the boys being bloody and beaten ^^;;

Love it &hearts


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 February 12 2008, 07:13:09 UTC
Oh wow - thank you so much. Your comment means such a lot to me.
I'm a sucker for our boys being hurt, but really this vid became an exercise in doing stuff I hadn't done before and beat use was one of them. Thrilled it got you pumped for studying! Hee!

Thanks again hun. You've made my night.



deirdre_c February 12 2008, 20:19:55 UTC
EEeeeEEeeeee!! HOW MUCH FUN!! You and your new FCE-fu!! What fantastic use you made of the effects! LOVE LOVE LOVE! (And the boy-whumpage is vvveerrry nice. Yum!) I didn't find it long at all, and I love the little dialogue at the end too! *glee* (The titles are awesomecakes! Give "The Man" a huge high-five from me! *g*)


ash48 February 13 2008, 07:16:03 UTC
Hi DEEEIIII! Welcome back to the land of LJ. Thank you so much for your wonderfully enthusiastic comment \O/ :D I had SO much fun playing with my new program - it just gave me so much joy. I think I'm even more addicted than I was before (if that's possible), only I have so much less time now *sigh*.

Thanks so much for watching and commenting. (Yours must be ready soon?!)



deirdre_c February 13 2008, 16:10:37 UTC
(Yours must be ready soon?!)

Alas, it has been backburnered ever since someone killed my laptop two weeks ago (I spilled a full glass of red wine all over it, but let's not go pointing fingers). I have a copy on the desktop, but I have no idea when I'll get back to it. :(

Also, I am committed to writing this story for a challenge I signed up for, so most of my fannish freetime has been going toward that.

Oh vidding, I MISS YOU!!!


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