Winchester Owies

Feb 09, 2008 18:51

New SPN vid.

Title: Take me to the Hospital
Vidder: Ash
Music: Take me to the hospital
Artist: The Faints
Category: Vid picspam, I suppose, of Winchester Owies.
Spoilers: S1-3 (clips up to 3.9)
Length: 4min
Size: 35mb
watch Youtube
download 4Shared
download mediafireSummary: Hurt!Winchesters. That’s it really. I have a thing for the ( Read more... )


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the_muppet February 10 2008, 16:28:58 UTC
Don't forget to submit this so I can add it to your page - along with any others you've made as I only have one listed for you right now - thanks =)

M x


ash48 February 11 2008, 10:23:09 UTC
Oh yes, sorry I've been a bit slack. I'll get my act together and post a few of my others.


the_muppet February 11 2008, 12:40:19 UTC
That would be brilliant thank you! I'm trying to get 500 listed by the end of this month, but I'm pretty sure i won't make it!

Thanks again =)


ash48 February 11 2008, 13:10:07 UTC
Hun, you're doing a wonderful job - I admire your commitment to this and now I've finished a vid I'll do my best to upload some some of my other vids - I have at least four or five I'd be happy (as in happy with the vids) to post. I think you accept Mediafire as a link? Thanks again.


the_muppet February 11 2008, 13:15:49 UTC
Aw, thank you, I really appreciate that =)

We don't accept MedaiFire though :$ but here's a link to all the others that are okay:

Quite a lot of people use Stage6, or DivShare - so the streaming options is also there, as well as the download option, and a few of the others use 4Shared.

Hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else and thanks again =)


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