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Comments 148

tebtosca May 21 2014, 12:05:29 UTC
I will tell you why you are feeling nothing -- the Winchesters are no longer the heroes in this story, and their position as such as been completely usurped.

Most egregiously, as has been done all this season, Sam didn't get to do anything effective last night besides the initial finding of the trailer park. Gadreel ("friend"... REALLY?) had his completely unearned redemption arc moment, allowing our hero Cas to be the one who REALLY saved the day, AND took down Metatron, using brains instead of brawn (a direct contrast to Dean, our former hero's, epic failure)

Sam got knocked out for the main fight. He didn't get to Dean on time. He didn't gank Metatron fast enough when he was back to an angel. He didn't manage to stop Dean before he died. And, most of all, he didn't even get to be the one to offer a deal, because Crowley came in and literally took his version of the ABHL II monologue. So even his "I lied" was for naught, because he didn't get the chance to prove it either way ( ... )


etoile_etiolee May 21 2014, 12:12:29 UTC
I enjoyed it. It's been a long time since I actually felt something watching a SPN episode, and I think Jared and Jensen made great performances. Maybe because this season -and the one before that were so crappy,I'm biaised, but I think it was a great finale. :)


maaldas May 22 2014, 02:51:54 UTC
Agree! I think we're the only ones who have a positive view towards the finale. The possibilities for season 10... I'm excited.


etoile_etiolee May 22 2014, 02:56:37 UTC
I totally embrace it. And we're not alone. I'm thinking of forming a club ;-)


amberdreams May 21 2014, 12:11:46 UTC
I'm with you my dear, I did enjoy the episode but not in the deep and committed way I have done in the past and that was because I think no matter WHAT they had done in one 45 minute slot there was no way to retrieve the rest of this wasted season. I've said elsewhere - this would/could have been awesome if they'd condensed the interesting parts of this season into 11-12 episodes and made this the mid season hiatus finale. Then we'd have had the 2nd half where Sam was trying to rescue/save Dean from the Blade and the demonic transformation in a way that wouldn't leave Dean as a rotting corpse...

I think you and I have gone through the same process of disillusionment this season. Sigh. It makes me very sad.

But I'll still watch next season. I can't leave now.


ash48 May 21 2014, 12:37:25 UTC
It's weird. I was on the edge of my seat watching it because I kept thinking it was going to go somewhere really interesting. And then there were these long Metatron talking scenes and angel scenes and predictable Sam getting knocked out so he can some and "save" Dean (only he didn't) scenes and then by the end the black eyes were the icing on the cake of - oh. They actually did go there. Just as everyone had predicted.

I will watch next season as well because I'm too invested. But I doubt I'll write reactions anymore. There's just nothing to say. Creating a whole season that essentially amounts to nothing for Sam and Dean means there's nothing left to write about. Sadly.


amberdreams May 21 2014, 19:30:57 UTC
Strangely I can see potential for next season for Sam and Dean, but I'm concerned they will cock it up. If you think about possible scenarios - We have zombie Demon Dean. We have a known 'cure' for demons but no idea what happens if this demon is cued when their host body is already dead. We have Crowley possibly set to use and abuse Dean for his own nefarious purposes, Dean reacting in some way we don't know to the Mark's possession. Cain after all didn't come across as without compassion or humour, and he still had the mark at that stage, though he'd managed somehow to lose the Blade.

There is a lot there they could work with to make something meaty and wonderful. Sadly we know they have left Metatron alive, and they will still have to 'do' something with Cas, so time will be wasted there, no doubt. But still, I have hope. And I definitely have a much stronger hope for some fab fan interpretations over the summer!


jessm78 May 21 2014, 15:22:52 UTC
ITA. With all of it. Glad to know I'm not alone. :)


killabeez May 21 2014, 12:18:18 UTC
{{{{hugs}}}} of sympathy!

I don't care enough to watch it. I mostly blame fandom for my level of disengagement, though. The versus b.s. of this season was too much for me. It was too much for me in S4 (and 5) when the show was actually still mostly good. To go there when the show is flailing around aimlessly… no, thanks.


ash48 May 21 2014, 12:41:06 UTC
Thank you sweetie.

Show and some elements of fandom have been pretty horrid this season.

In some ways, I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. It'll be easier not to care any more. Sad of course, but I will always love the characters I originally fell in love with. And hopefully continue to enjoy the fan works it produces.

And there were some nice SamnDean moments that I'm sure we'll see a million gifs of. Out of context I can enjoy them.


locknkey May 22 2014, 05:17:52 UTC
Sad of course, but I will always love the characters I originally fell in love with. And hopefully continue to enjoy the fan works it produces.

This - I wanted to care more. I wanted it to be awesome and it was just bland - bad story telling mostly to blame I think. And I'm terribly sad as I see more and more of the fandom I love moving onto things they can feel invested in. :(


kazluvsbooks May 21 2014, 12:39:54 UTC
This makes me sad,Ash.
I loved it.

I felt that this finale was all about the brothers.I really felt their connection and that they love each other..no matter what..

I agree that we didn't get much from Sam's point of view but when have we ever?

Certain moments will stay with me forever and i am looking forward to where Season 10 takes me..


ash48 May 21 2014, 12:52:04 UTC
It makes me sad too. Like, really. But I've reached this point a few times since Carver took over. I've almost run out of sadness now because it's been building all season.

And I agree - there were lots of lovely brother moments - it;s just because they didn't amount to anything in terms of their relationship (no new understandings, no new growth, no appreciating what's happened before) that even those couldn't salvage it for me. I loved seeing them, don;t get me wrong. But having a reveal that Sam "lied" is equivalent to Sam confessing he loves Dean. We know that and have known it since the first episode. Now, if they touched on why he "lied" it might have meant something. But that was never the point.

I agree that we didn't get much from Sam's point of view but when have we ever?Yeah. And it's all just too much for me now. There's only so much of Sam the cardboard cutout that I can take. Not to take away from Jared - he's done remarkably well with very little ( ... )


quickreaver May 21 2014, 13:22:29 UTC
I actually think Sam may have been the least cardboard character this particular episode. And here's the thing, ash--I don't exactly want a mended relationship for the guys, I just want them on equal footing.

I don't know exactly what Dean was proud of either, but I liked the line. Looking at it from Dean's POV, I think he was just proud that the Winchester brothers, such as they are, got as far as they did. It ain't easy being a Winchester.

But I do feel you, sweetie. I do!


ash48 May 21 2014, 13:36:23 UTC
Yeah, I agree we had more from Sam than we've done throughout the season. Like the last episode, I've tied my reaction to my feelings on the whole season, rather than just this episode.

I don't exactly want a mended relationship for the guys, I just want them on equal footing. Oh definitely. But it still feels like they are so far from that. But maybe this was about bringing it back to some even footing? I dunno. I wish I could see what was achieved for them here - other than brother feels for the sake of brother feels (I am VERY happy we got that though. And now I'm seeing people actually *like* Sam again, so there is that. though people "forgiving" Sam is making my blood BOIL ( ... )


auntmo9 May 21 2014, 12:40:59 UTC
Forgive the incoherent ramblings of an overworked, sleep deprived person ahead of time ( ... )


quickreaver May 21 2014, 13:26:22 UTC
I just don't think there's a solid direction anymore. I feel like the storyline is all over the place and there are so many loose threads that they've lost track of as writers.

THIS! I mean, I get leaving some threads loose to pull later, but the sheer quantity of them in Carver's tenure? I could knit a sweater.


de_nugis May 21 2014, 13:30:48 UTC
A v-neck sweatervest for Sam, I hope.


ash48 May 21 2014, 13:37:56 UTC
haha...(thanks...I needed that smile...)


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