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ash48 May 21 2014, 13:36:23 UTC
Yeah, I agree we had more from Sam than we've done throughout the season. Like the last episode, I've tied my reaction to my feelings on the whole season, rather than just this episode.

I don't exactly want a mended relationship for the guys, I just want them on equal footing.

Oh definitely. But it still feels like they are so far from that. But maybe this was about bringing it back to some even footing? I dunno. I wish I could see what was achieved for them here - other than brother feels for the sake of brother feels (I am VERY happy we got that though. And now I'm seeing people actually *like* Sam again, so there is that. though people "forgiving" Sam is making my blood BOIL).

I loved the "I'm proud of us" line very much. It felt like his way of saying "I love you". And yes - I suspect it's about them just getting to the end. It is all about fighting the good fight for Dean. And I think if Dean dies in action that's a great way for him to go. Which is a nice twist, I suppose, on Sam being content to die in action in the last season. And now Dean is the very thing he fears (I think. It took him ages to admit not wanting the Mark), much like Sam was in the beginning of the episode. Ok...so maybe there are parallels. :)

I'll be gathering as many positive feels as I can between now and the next season. I am *this close* to losing it completely.

Thanks sweetie.


quickreaver May 21 2014, 13:49:54 UTC
Oh, god help me if I see folks forgiving Sam.

*collects positive feels like daisies, sticks them in an empty whiskey bottle, leaves them on your doorstep*


ash48 May 21 2014, 13:51:14 UTC


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