So Heaven has no angels. But it still has souls yes? Ash is still up there serving beers?
The angels seems to like "order" so does that mean anarchy now reigns in Heaven? And what exactly did all those angels do up there? Just fight amongst themselves? They must have been pretty bored, so I suppose that would explain why they pick fights - light entertainment.
I know we're not meant to think too hard about these things, but I feel like the billions of souls that must be up there have been forgotten in this storyline (or did I miss a crucial bit of info when I was tuning out of the angel stuff?). Maybe souls just exist in their own little worlds and that's that (ooh, maybe angels help create each persons "heaven"? So without them those souls might be lost). Even on an administrative level Heaven must be a bit of a mess now.
So that ended up being more than one quick question. oooops