9.08 Reaction/Review

Nov 27, 2013 20:45

Reaction and some character arc thinky…

I'm scared… )

s9 reaction

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Comments 54

killabeez November 27 2013, 13:11:34 UTC
Trying to view this one from my happy place of low expectations. :D

Hi, Jody, you're still alive! And badass! And yummy as Sam's partner!

That's about all I got, but they had me at Jody Mills, so.


ash48 November 27 2013, 13:28:54 UTC
They had me at Jody too. So wonderful to see her again.

And my happy place of low expectations is working for me too. (Which I think I will be going into with next week….*meep*)


killabeez November 27 2013, 13:52:22 UTC
I amused myself by thinking of what Vesta(sp?) would have had to say about Dean's liver.

Also by appreciating that Jody apparently ships Sam and Dean, too.


ash48 November 27 2013, 13:58:28 UTC
I amused myself by thinking of what Vesta(sp?) would have had to say about Dean's liver.

Bwahaha…He'd have less of a liver than Sam.

Also by appreciating that Jody apparently ships Sam and Dean, too.

Oh god! Does she ever! Such a gorgeous shippy moment. That delicious long pause…*happy sigh* (who needs coherent plots when we have moments like that. And Jody <3)


cassiopeia7 November 27 2013, 13:20:08 UTC
*handwave* *handwave* *handwave*

Yup. Agreed with every single thing you handwaved. And surprised I didn't go airborne with all the hand-flapping I was doing. (I'm less successful at ignoring that stuff than you are.)

Personally, I don't think this is simply about what Dean would do for Sam. It's about what makes Dean tick. It's about how he feels about himself and his self worth. It's about wanting something for himself - no matter the cost. It will backfire and he will, no doubt, pay dearly.

Agreed 100%. Dean agreed to Zeke's plan because he didn't want to lose Sam. As you say, it will backfire and he will lose Sam (temporarily, please!), which will poke another hole in his self-worth, he'll return to thinking he doesn't deserve to have what he wants, and the vicious cycle will continue. Poor Dean -- he can never win. (For the record, I will never understand why some say that Dean has no storyline if it also involves Sam. It may not be the healthiest thing in the world, but Dean's life has been about Sam since he was ( ... )


ash48 November 27 2013, 13:46:18 UTC
I'm less successful at ignoring that stuff than you are.

I usually let them have the silly stuff (the train was just plain silly), but the character stuff I find harder to *handwave* (Dean ignoring Sam's calls during a hunt wouldn't be (and wasn't!) wise. I know that was done to create tension, but they could have not even had that and have Sam finding out much later. Or something.

Poor Dean -- he can never win.

I know! He's just so messed up at the moment (which I see has a major part of his story line at the moment).

It may not be the healthiest thing in the world, but Dean's life has been about Sam since he was four years old

Exactly. It's not healthy (yay ;D) but his "there ain't no me if there ain't no you" is exactly right.

I'm so afraid that Sam is returning to the same dark headspace he inhabited at the end of S8Yeah. I can see that developing like that also. It's curious that Sam seemed to be feeling so good in the beginning - and now he doesn't. I wonder if that's just lack of continuity, or if that means ( ... )


cassiopeia7 November 27 2013, 14:08:01 UTC
It's not healthy (yay ;D) but his "there ain't no me if there ain't no you" is exactly right.

Zachariah was apparently spot-on -- "psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other."

Sam seemed to be feeling so good in the beginning - and now he doesn't. I wonder if that's just lack of continuity, or if that means something.

Maybe Zeke's battery is running down, too? I hope it means something, and that the writers didn't just drop the ball. Again.

One of my big worries for next week is who's wiring it.

Uh-oh. Do I want to know?


ash48 November 27 2013, 14:13:20 UTC
Do I want to know?



batgurl10 November 27 2013, 14:04:17 UTC
This episode had me at "Honor Sucks, I bake real cookies, she always brings Oreos" LMAO. LOVE my show. and I swear I almost started crying when Dean tried to talk to Sam and Zeke took over ... @@ NOT a good sign yo.


ash48 November 27 2013, 14:16:10 UTC
The cookies like was awesome! I laughed out loud! :DD

DEAN MADE ME WANT TO CRY! So did Sam...:(( I love that Dean finally tried to tell Sam. He was really ready to let it go....

So not a good sign! Dean has got to know that Zeke will take Sam over whenever he feels like it. It's a horrible situation for them to be in... (but I love it...*g*)


borgmama1of5 November 27 2013, 14:08:33 UTC
It's curious that Sam seemed to be feeling so good in the beginning - and now he doesn't. I wonder if that's just lack of continuity, or if that means something.

That intrigues me as well...

It's all going to come down to where they go with the Zeke plot...very anxious, I want to love it, am afraid I will be disappointed...


ash48 November 27 2013, 14:18:18 UTC
The problem with it building up like this is that we've had all sorts of great ideas being written all over the place. Lots of musing so when it finally is revealed it may feel like a let down. Though I remember the big reveal when Dean told Sam that John said he may have to kill him. At the time it felt like a let down (it seems too simple), but it ended up being such a huge thing really. I hope they've thought it all through...



amberdreams November 27 2013, 15:08:35 UTC
I'm with you on both the important time out points here - firstly I've always felt that SPN story lines are about Dean (almost more than they are about Sam). We are always in Dean's POV, and Dean's world revolves around Sam, so Dean's story is always all about Sam. I don't care that Dean hasn't had powers or whatever (maybe I was a little disappointed we didn't get a Lucifer Michael standoff in Season 5, but I think if we'd been given that, we probably wouldn't have had a Season 6 so ( ... )


ash48 November 28 2013, 12:51:04 UTC
We are always in Dean's POV, and Dean's world revolves around Sam, so Dean's story is always all about Sam.

Yes. I always feel we are involved in Dean's story. He's such a strong voice and as Sam is so much big part of Dean, we get to see many of Dean's issues being played out via Sam. I think this is why we constantly have the pull of arguments about who has a bigger storyline. For me..they are pretty darn even.

Zeke is so interesting!! He clearly lied. WE know Sam is still very very ill but Dean doesn't know that. He can only believe what Zeke tells him (but damn it! Why?! Why has Dean been so trusting? whaaaa….it's all so nerve wracking! (i love it of course…;D)


casey28 November 28 2013, 20:27:31 UTC
"Then Zeke dialled it back a bit, and clearly full out lied about it not being long until Sam was fully fit again" "He clearly lied."

Zeke didn't say that it wouldn't be long before Sam was healed. I can see how this could be the assumption, but all Zeke is saying is that they wouldn't be "playing this" much longer. Maybe someone is hunting Zeke and he thinks he doesn't have much time left... maybe Zeke is slowly dying.... it could mean anything.

Zeke: “Your brother is not ready. If he ejects me he will not make it.”
Dean: “Well, damn it, Zeke. How much longer are we gonna keep playing this?
Zeke: “Not much longer, I promise you that.”


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