9.08 Reaction/Review

Nov 27, 2013 20:45

Reaction and some character arc thinky…

Damnit!!! Another episode I really enjoyed. All these wonderful eps! It makes me scared that I am going to be hit hard in the second half with some horribly painful eps where Sam and Dean are separated.../o\

And Dammit! Another episode of awesome broments! DAMN YOU SHOW! You are so going to kill us with this reveal because their relationship is working so well. YOU EVEN EMPHASIS HOW SPECIAL IT IS! (Wonderful moment!)


My third favourite character in the show. \o/ SHE IS RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME! I adore her SO MUCH! It's the way Kim delivers the lines. She is so no nonsense - but totally believable. *hearts in my eyes*

Ok. So. *handwave* *handwave* *handwave*

I am getting so good at this now I barely groan when they do something I have to *handwave*. Though I did groan at the handy first aid kit. Um…what? Also Sam finding Dean on a train whistle (I know he's clever but that's kinda ridiculous). They've already established they can use GPS so I'm surprised they didn't go that route. Maybe without a signal it doesn't work? Also… do those gals seriously buy that these two strapping lads what to take a vow of chastity? I suppose it doesn't matter because I'D LET THEM IN! :D Dean ignoring Sam's calls during a case was a major problem though…:/

I actually felt TENSE during that episode. First time in …well… a reeeeally long time. I think it's the idea of being starved to death - and buried alive. It's something that personally creeps me out and I loved it for that. The girl with the bleeding fingernails was a fabulous moment of sheer desperation. There were some classic horror moments in this ep and that make me HAPPY!

I THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO KILL JODY AND I WAS SCARED AND I WAS READY TO RANT IF THEY DID THAT!!! I will not survive her dying. I WILL NOT!. Thank god they didn't! She rescued herself AND saved the day. She is so awesome.


Am I allowed to say how much I loved seeing Dean back to his horn dog self? (*ducks* because I get a feeling there is going to be much gnashing of teeth over Dean making Suzy break her vows (or something). But she's a big girl. She can make her own decisions I'm sure. She made the first "real" move so I'm hoping Dean isn't going to get the blame for, you know, everything). After his delicious speech about how much he loves sex it was nice to see him (finally!) get some.

Though it was utterly ridiculous that Suzy, who was moving on from her porn life, still had her films in her top draw (handy for Dean to find!), but it was a way to move the story (and sex!) forward so…*hand wave* (though I've had another thought on that and I feel this is about Suzy actually being a little proud of her past achievements, so that's why she might have kept the DVDs). I wonder if Dean being bi-sexual might finally be put to rest now.*ducks again*

Loved seeing Dean confront that douche in captivity. Nice to see our heroes being, well, heroes.


Dean is SO screwed. And I don't mean literally. He finally tried to tell Sam and Zeke stopped him. Pure and utter blackmail. What was that about Sam being Dean's weak spot?

/Time out.

I want to just mention something here about the concern some have that Dean doesn't have a story line this season (and previous seasons). I know many don't consider Dean having a storyline if it's about Sam. As in, if Dean's story line is connected to Sam it somehow isn't really a storyline. I do understand that and I also would love to see something "different" happen to Dean (something like the trials or being secretly possessed etc) but I also LOVE that the conflict that Dean is going through IS connected to Sam because such a major part of his character IS Sam. We've seen, time and time again, the decision he's made because of Sam, so it's nice to really see that being fleshed out this season (of course, there's still a way to go to see if they really do flesh this out).

Personally, I don't think this is simply about what Dean would do for Sam. It's about what makes Dean tick. It's about how he feels about himself and his self worth. It's about wanting something for himself - no matter the cost. It will backfire and he will, no doubt, pay dearly. But I, for one, am looking forward to that. It has potential for Dean to really look inward at his decisions. I'm in the minority I think, but I am loving Dean this season. He's almost like an early version of Dean, only with all the extra crap attached.


So many Sam feels.

Let's start with Sam and Jody. I love this team and I love that they keep making them a team. They work so well together. I'd ship 'em if I didn't feel such a huge motherly quality come off of Jody for both Sam and Dean (though I could ship 'em anyway. I'm sure someone could write something that would take me there…;D).

I LOVED that we got more from Sam on what he thinks is happening to him. I mused a while back that the reason Sam hasn't put two and two together is because he knows something is wrong with him and he just doesn't want to confront that or push Dean on it. It's good to see that playing out (though I also like the idea that Zeke could be preventing him from making the connection). Also, there is absolutely no reason for him to think that he has an angel on board, so his natural assumption that he is damaged in ways that are his fault makes sense. He's ALWAYS been "wrong" and so he continues to think that he is. It's so sad…:( (deliciously so of course…).

/Time out.

Ok. So. I know that the "something is wrong with Sam" story line is not liked by some. It's been done over and over. BUT. For me that's the whole point. Something IS always wrong with Sam - so why not explore that as a theme? The same way they are exploring Dean's achilles heel. Why not have Sam acknowledging that (the same way he acknowledged his very unfortunate experiences with women). Sam resigning himself to "something is always wrong with me" works because of his past and now his present circumstance. It might also mean it opens up the show for other things to happen in the future - away from the "something is wrong with Sam". And yeah, something being wrong with Sam pleases my inner hurt!Sam gal. I can't help it. ;) And Dean hovering over a sleepy Sam makes me….awwwww…..


Crunch time. I feel like the Zeke reveal will make or break this story line.

Sam seems to have weakened while Zeke has been in him (or, at least, not got much better). If he's being held together with "duct tape", then I'd say he hasn't healed much further than day one. Though he was out jogging early in the season - so does that mean Zeke has kept him ill? Deliberately?

It all comes down to what Zeke wants. I have to assume it's heaven related - but we don't know if it's good or bad. I don't really care at this stage, I really only want it to make sense. I would somehow like the brothers not to be at complete odds with each other for the rest of the season (though I am preparing myself as best as I can for that outcome).

I am also REALLY interested to see how Sam deals with Zeke. And how Dean deals with Sam!Zeke once it's busted open.

How cool that all these questions still need to be answered. I love that I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens. I am also scared. As with this time last year I don't want to find out that it all really means nothing (sorry Amelia). I am hoping for some damn juicy drama to come out of this. Drama that is organic and will open up some great character exploration.

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