Dean's Movie and TV Show List

Nov 08, 2013 13:03

Dean's Movie and TV List has been updated on the Super Wiki now to include the year it was released and the genre/s. It also includes a bonus section on Star Wars references. ;)

After 9.03 I wanted to see if there were other instances when Dean didn't know a movie referenced. There are only two - in 3.08 when he doesn't understand a reference to Mary Poppins and more recently with It's A Wonderful Life. Personally, I think these are writer slip ups but it's canon now so we can draw what we want (need) from this. There are no musicals on the list and very few pre 1960's films so we can conclude the Dean isn't into musicals or older films.

Interestingly the era he quotes most movies from at the 1980s (62 of the 150+ listed). He quotes equally from the 70s, 90, and 00's (about 29 references each era). It probably says more about the writers than Dean, but I also think there's something in the fact that he would have watched a lot of 80s movies as "first time on television" while he was growing up (presumably first airing in the 90s). He might have even borrowed a lot of videos to watch because I figure a hunting life might be pretty boring when there's no hunt. And we know Dean gets bored easily.

It's no surprise that he watches a lot of horror, adventure, action and thrillers. But his list is dotted with comedies, drama, romance and family movies also. For all his badassery, he's a softy at heart.

I love all the movie/tv references in the show and it's great to see the consistency of it over the seasons. Sam does make a few references (as do many other characters), but Dean certainly gets the most. This list is only references Dean actually makes himself.

Many thanks to cassiopeia7, zebra363, celtic_forest and novakev for the awesome help with the research. *HUGS*

Stay tuned for a long (but hopefully fun) meme on Dean's movies. :D


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