*hold me*

Apr 18, 2013 19:04

Man I need cheering up. I have no idea why I am feeling so sad and pissed off with everything but I am. I should be extra excited as it was my last day of work today and I am starting a two week holiday but I'm feeling kinda yuk ( Read more... )

blah, supernatural

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Comments 56

ciaimpala April 18 2013, 11:16:56 UTC
*hugs tight*


ash48 April 18 2013, 11:27:56 UTC


galathea_snb April 18 2013, 11:26:16 UTC
I always stay spoiler free for the final few episodes. I like to be surprised. :) I have to say, though, that my trust in the writers dwindled down to nothing over the course of S8, and I can't even get excited about spoilers anymore, because I instantly assume that they will just mess it up anyway. The worst thing is that I don't think things will improve in S9. There are so many fundamental problems with the writing this season - mainly a profound disregard for past canon, continuity and characterisation - that I lost all hope for a positive change. /sigh I am sorry to whine all over your journal. Maybe the finale will surprise me and rekindle my excitement for S9! Stranger things have happened!


ash48 April 18 2013, 11:34:33 UTC
Yeah - it's pretty much how I'm feeling. I desperately want to get excited and I keep thinking that maybe if I check out some spoilers I will find something to get excited about. But I also want the thrill of finding it out when I watch it.

I remember at the beginning of the season looking on the bright side of the spoilers about Sam and thinking there's no way they can do that so I can't wait to see what they have up their sleeves. But when it turned out that they could and did do that and their sleeves were well and truly empty I started to lose hope.

I truly think they will have to do something really clever and interesting to keep fans excited for S9... and they just might.

BUT...the MoL has actually given me some hope and if nothing else the batcave has been such a highlight for me that that will make S8 worth it.

I think until I hear (or see!) otherwise I remain positive and hopeful...

I hope. ;)


tebtosca April 18 2013, 11:43:25 UTC
Stay spoiler free. Nothing Carver is saying right now will make you feel better, trust me lol. Maybe it'll translate better on TV


ash48 April 18 2013, 11:48:20 UTC
Whaaaaaaaaa that's what I was afraid of!

Now I really wanna check.... /o\

(Wow love that icon...*drool* Everything is suddenly better...*g*)


xenia_27 April 18 2013, 11:46:53 UTC
you must be really strong willed if you can stay away from spoilers. I must say the next week teasers made me squee and swoon. I am ready for the multiple orgasms next Thursday!:)


ash48 April 18 2013, 11:58:53 UTC
Ha! I'm not feeling particularly strong willed at the moment I have to say...

Though yay! I'm glad the next one is happy making. (I am a little spoiled for the next one. I accidentally saw a spoiler for the guest. And I know who the right is - both equal = YAY in my books!).


missyjack April 18 2013, 12:16:32 UTC
*smish* I seem to be one of the few who liked Carver's interview! It was all about Sam ;D

Anyway next week's episode is a Robbie one which looks all sorts of awesome.


ash48 April 18 2013, 12:20:20 UTC
Yay Sam! (ack.. but is it "good" Sam news...?!) And J you love everything! I wish I had your continual positive outlook on it all. I try...;)

And Robbie is my fav so YAY! I know we'll be in for a solid ep with him behind the pen...<33


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