*hold me*

Apr 18, 2013 19:04

Man I need cheering up. I have no idea why I am feeling so sad and pissed off with everything but I am. I should be extra excited as it was my last day of work today and I am starting a two week holiday but I'm feeling kinda yuk.

Also, I am finding it really hard to remain spoiler free. I want to see all those promos and previews and particularly the chats with Carver but I also want to remain oblivious to what's going to happen. Ack.. but I want to be prepared!! But I also want to get excited about things that might be coming that will make me excited! Arghhh.... *head explodes*

I am REALLY scared that I am going to be completely disappointed and it's making me stressed. (And yeah.. I know...it's only a TV show yada yada, but it's MY TV show and I want them to do well and I want to LOVE IT! I want to squee and be excited and see the light at the end of the dark tunnel that has been much of S8).

But I love you show and I'm on your side! You can do it!

(I was going to rant about world events but this might not be the place. I will say YAY New Zealand! Let's hope Australia can follow your lead one day - and the rest of the world. Though if a simple gun law amendment can't be passed I don't hold out much hope...).

blah, supernatural

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