Further observations on 7.11

Jan 11, 2012 13:50

I'm back! Back home that is. And it's rather nice I have to say. :)

I said I had some more to say on this ep so here it is.

Loved the opening recap. It was a good way to see what Show wanted to tell us was still important. As in...Cas, Lucifer, Leviathan, Dean's troubled nightmares, Dick, Bobby, and the boys getting on with the job. (I've very curious that they showed Lucifer saying to Sam "Your world is whatever I want it to be". Hmmmmmm...)

For me, one of the strong messages to come out of that episode is that working with a partner is better than working alone. The monsters worked in pairs. Sam was caught because he didn’t have back up (same with Krissy’s Dad, Lee). Dean, Sam and Lee were saved because they DID have back up. Moral of the story? Dean and Sam STICK TOGETHER!

I didn’t mind them splitting up though. Stupid maybe, but I like that Sam was totally focused on possibly saving someone and going for it. Dean was also focused, just in a different direction. It’s a mirror of a that moment in Time is On My Side. Dean was focused on revenge so followed Bela and Sam was focused on finding a solution to Dean’s imminent demise. Sam ended up in peril then also.

Normally it bugs me when they get caught so easily, but I'm running with that their heads weren't really in the game. Sam rushed in to a job looking for a distraction and Dean was focused on those numbers. I think this was really bought home by the fact that a 14 year old saved them in the end. Dean looked indecisive and down right scared in that final scene. And no wonder. If Krissy had died? I'd hate to think where that would leave him.

So. Bobby really did die (phew). But he may not be gone? I’ve read in a few posts that ghost!Bobby may have taken (?) the beer. (No idea how that would work but the idea is that he is somehow involved with its disappearance). I really like that possibility. How cool would it be to have Bobby’s ghost hanging around to watch over the boys. And then the subsequent issue of having to deal with his ghost. Could be interesting. (Or could Lu be manipulating Sam's world? I think not, but that line in the preview really intrigues me).

LOVED the “week one" segment. Beautifully shot. I’m thrilled the show gave the boys this quiet moment of grief rather than rage. There’s little to say that can make this better, so they just didn’t.

LOVED the overhead shots of the trucks. It gave the sense of entrapment. Being closed in. The red signally danger. I also wonder if "experts in relocation" on the far truck was a little tongue in cheek. ;)

I liked Krissy. Pulling off a badass kid is really hard. I think they (mostly) did a fine job of that. I particularly liked that they played on the cliché. When she came in and got caught at the end I groaned out loud. I HATE it when they make kids do that (along with dogs running off so kids have to chase them and they get into peril…), so it was great to see she’d planned it all along. She’s a clever cookie. In some ways it’s disappointing she's not going to grow up and be a hunter (as suggested at the end). She would be an awesome hunter and with all sorts of monsters out there the world needs her to get rid of them. (Strange way of thinking, I know, but she’d be an awesome hunter).

Frank. I loved him last time and I loved him this time. I had a feeling once we lost Bobby that he’d be back. Of course, it means we’ll lose him sometime (BOO!) but I hope we get to enjoy him a few more times yet. Dean needs someone like Frank. With Bobby gone (for now) it’s good to know there’s someone else to kick him out of his funk.

I liked Frank's sage advice to Dean. It's moments like this that makes me understand just how much Dean must miss his Dad. Dean really hasn't had someone to look out for him the way Sam has. Sam's always had Dean. Bobby, and now Frank, have had to be the ones to give him the advice that a dad might.

Oh Dean. Very pleased that they’ve given Dean a reason and a way to keep fighting. I mean, they had to of course. They can’t quit. It’s just not an option. (no show if they did that). I liked the reasoning to stay in the fight. Revenge is familiar to them after all. And Dean at the end? He’s going to keep plastering on that smile and hope that it works. I hope that it works. I know he’s hurting, as is Sam, but at this stage of the game there is little else they can do. (well, maybe cry and hug it out *g*).

Sam. Ok, so mostly I was just drooling. Some lovely hurt!Sam to wallow in. More than that though I loved that he wanted to go and help Krissy. I also adored that he offered himself up to be fed on rather than Krissy’s dad. It is so very Sam. (Dean would have done the same). I think others may disagree with me here, but I am seeing Sam has a grown up now. He will always be Dean's little bro, but I'm seeing a Sam that's conscious and aware of Dean's pain, he's determined (stubborn probably) when it comes to saving others, he's also being more honest. I think there's been progress.

I appreciated that they wanted to lighten the ep by having a “comical” moment with the crane. It felt a little forced though. It also made little sense. Surely Frank would have spotted the cameras before Dean went up there. Or even before they went to the trouble of getting a crane etc. *hand wave*

As I mentioned in my intital reaction, the thing I loved most was the gentle way they handled the episode. The boys know grief. They know how each other handle it. They allowed each other to grieve without being angry or dismissive of each other like they have done in the past. They have grown so much since S1. They've had to.

Liked all the "mysteries" in the ep: The beer, the number being not what Bobby had initially written down, Dean sleeping for 36 hours (very strange little moment yes? Frank getting mixed up maybe? Dean just accepted it...weird).

I wonder if the boys will adopt the cabin as their own now? Could they possible have a real home to go to? Don't see why not.

Loved the boys at the end. Sam sleeping in the car and Dean practicing his smile. If ever a smile didn't reach his eyes, this is it. Fabulous. It looked like he might cry at any time, but plastered a smile on over the top of that huge emotion. (B&W for no other reason than it felt right).

And while I’m here, I have to self indulge in some hurt!Sammy. *G*

(That last one is totally asking for a manip. *G*)

So yeah. Solid episode. A few weak spots, but mostly really well handled I thought.

Also, check out galwithglasses's post. There are some great observations about various shots. Have I mentioned how much I'm loving her yellow/orange flower meta? If not, considered it mentioned. I love it. Show uses them ALL THE TIME! So cool.

s7 episode reaction

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