fly by reaction 7.11

Jan 08, 2012 20:29

Where there's a will! I managed to snag a copy of the ep (*hugs* Sydney friends) and have been able to watch it earlier than I thought I would! \o/ *HAPPY JOY*

Really REALLY enjoyed that!! \o/ I have thoughts and feelings but they will have to wait until I can write up something properly. I know by then it will all be too late, but I like doing it and it will give me something to do on the plane on the way home. :D

I do just have to squeeeeeeee that... SAM GOT TIED UP!! \o/ And god. He looked so damn fine. *thud* (iz very shallow but I can't help it. *rewatches*)

Dean = *HUGS* Frank = *SMISH* Episode = *HEFFA HUG*

Dear Episode, thank you for lovely. I know that's a weird thing to say, but it felt kind of lovely and almost gentle. A gentle way to handle the grief and lovely that family was a major focus of the episode. They are probably the wrong words to describe it but I did sigh happily when it finished. Very well handled I thought. <33 (oh boys, you are so awesome at the moment <3)

Catch you in a couple of days. Back home (yay!) soon. I can't watch anything (ie vids) or even browse LJ much until I get home. :((

s7 episode reaction

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