New Vid! What the Duck?!

Dec 01, 2011 18:12

Title: What the Duck?!
Vidder: Ash48
Song by: Rubber Ducky by Jeff Moss.
Category: Hmmmm....not entirely sure. Fandom maybe.
Length: 2.19min
Size: 21mb
Summary The story behind Duck Nation.

image Click to view

Links: You Tube | 4Shared

This is galwithglasses fault! She mentioned this song to me and the idea of making a Duck Nation vid was born. After listening to Jared's duck story, seeing the duck photos on SuperWiki, seeing the show/duck manips AND the con footage I felt the urge to document Duck Nation.

Thanks to maichan808 for the lend of her graphic eye. For a rather simple vid there was a lot of fiddling around. I have to say the thing I am probably most proud of is something that hardly anyone will notice. maichan808 suggested giving the polariods drop shadows. Well. I had NO idea how to do that so I played with all sorts of things until I discovered laying a feathered slug (black clip) underneath the picture gave me the effect I was after. Damn fiddly and I'm sure there would have been a better way to do that but I was pretty happy with the result. *g* I can't use Photoshop so all the pics are done in my editing program (Final Cut).

Thanks to missyjack for help with the photos and for the final manip in the vid. <3

Big thanks also so starrylizard helping me kick start this vid. I was stuck for a way to present the duck pics and she suggested the polariods (I have mentioned I use other peeps brains yeah??). Thanks also for the cheerleading sweetie. <33

And finally *heffa hugs* to greyowl88 for the boost of confidence (and for just...everything).

Also, the other manips are from Superducktral

I hope you enjoy. Comments are lovely. :)

ducks, spnvid

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