The "additional" season...

Jun 24, 2011 23:24

The one that happened after Kripke's Five Year Plan...

I’ve been wanting to reflect on season six for a while now but I’ve decided instead to just say WHAT SHE SAID!

missyjack has written a brilliant review/overview of season six. She captures the very reasons why I was so excited by the season ( Read more... )

s6 musings

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Comments 13

dotfic June 24 2011, 16:35:29 UTC
While it felt like canon was still beating Dean down with all the losses, it was great to see him fighting back so hard -- it was a big contrast to Dean of late S5. He's still suffering but he was knocking heads together and taking names and not giving up. Also there were some gorgeously badass Dean moments.

The second and real hug was glorious. \o/

It's funny, I sort of...keep forgetting this was the "coda" season. Or it could even have been viewed as apocryphal if I disliked it enough. But it didn't feel apocryphal or "didn't really happen" -- a coda feel to it, maybe, except it was a continuation, fall-out from what went before so it didn't feel separate. It was definitely a shift in tone and look from S1-5, but they've shifted almost every season, this was just more extreme, I think.

My S6 squee has a weird U-shape. Happy the first four eps, happy the last 6, lots of WTF and misery and despair in the middle with a few glimmers of liking it. Such an odd season!


ash48 June 25 2011, 09:33:38 UTC
Odd indeed. Roller coaster also. I remember pounding my laptop with "I WANT SAM BACK!".. but enjoying the mystery and emotion of it all.

I think it's only been in looking back that I've really appreciated everything Dean went through. And survived. I loved the strength they gave him to get through it all and I suspect he needed that and his wisdom to try and help guide Castiel out of his choices. Shame it didn't work... but we really don't know yet until this story line is resolved.

Surely S7 can't be as heart breaking...

(famous last words probably..)


winsangel June 24 2011, 16:38:29 UTC
I read MJ's blog a few days ago and it does bring to light a lot of what I had questions about regarding the "noir" season. I already blabbed about it to her so I won't repeat all that...I'll just say that it wasn't such a huge disappointment to me like it has been to some. They had to reboot somehow, and actually I think it was brilliant they way it was done, ending up with Cas being the culprit to most of what happened during the season. Pretty cool turn of events there. Now if they boys can just get him back to our Angel of Thursday without killing him, I couldn't handle that. Dean has never given up on his brother(s ( ... )


ash48 June 25 2011, 12:18:19 UTC

MJ has a way of capturing everything so eloquently. I always love her observations.

Now if they boys can just get him back to our Angel of Thursday without killing him, I couldn't handle that.

Of wow... I didn't consider that. I can't even imagine them going down that route... is known for killing off characters... so. Ack! It's not beyond them.

and I told the Js that in LA this year

Woot! How awesome! Good for you... And they did a fist bump?! Doubly awesome! No amulet though... :(( I reckon they'll bring it back in the very last episode ever. Just to appease the fans. I hope anyway.

I read a fic where Sam had a new one made and gave it to Dean.... I like that idea. I doubt he would still have the old one after all this time.

Thanks for the birthday wishes! *smish*


amnisias June 24 2011, 19:29:16 UTC
I'm just swinging by to deliver the birthday hug of squee to you. Brace yourself for hug delivery.... :)

Hope you had a great day with breakfast in bed, lots of good food and drink and some nice presents. If you're hubby knows you well he ordered you a couple of male strippers to wash a black Impala on your driveway (I'm thinking shirtless, jeans & barefoot, there's also a hose, sponges and foam involved.....)


ash48 June 25 2011, 13:16:54 UTC
*embraces self for the hug*


Hee... I have to say hubby didn't quite deliver on the shirtless Impala washing boys....but he did buy me a Supernatural book which is like WTF?! You are feeding my addiction...?! *hugs him*

Thanks so much sweetie. <33333333


harrigan June 24 2011, 19:38:01 UTC
I didn't have hopes for season 6 (but what a fun idea!) so I was satisfied in the sense that I enjoyed them all and watched them pretty much live because I'm still too engaged in the characters to want to wait any longer than necessary. And nothing in season 6 changed that. (I actually *loved* watching Robo!Sam and trying to guess what was wrong with him and how they would fix him.)

Hmmm... my hopes for season 7?
  1. Sam's hair is cut like he wore it in most of season 2 *g*
  2. ummm... other than that? I'm good.
Seriously, I love that Sam and Dean are brothers again. Like, season 1-2 brothers again. I'm hoping there are still ramifications of the wall in Sam's head coming down. But I'm pretty easy...


ash48 June 25 2011, 13:25:43 UTC
It was fun looking back and seeing what actually transpired. At the end of the day I'm just happy to see the boys on the screen.

Oh and I loved trying to figure out what was wrong with Sam... it killed me that he wasn't Sammy but Jared was so totally awesome in that role he was such fun to watch. Though I was thrilled when he finally got his soul back,

Sam's hair! Man... I want early season hair too. But I have to figure he won't wear it like that again... *boo hoo*. I'd like him to war it like he did in Friday the 13th... yummm

I do have some hopes for S7 (which I will post some time...) but overall I just want it to start again.



(The comment has been removed)

ash48 June 25 2011, 13:31:24 UTC
I agree! I honestly thought Show would never last this long.... so thrilled that it has.

Ha! Mothman washing the impala...with this show anything is possible. :D :D



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