The "additional" season...

Jun 24, 2011 23:24

The one that happened after Kripke's Five Year Plan...

I’ve been wanting to reflect on season six for a while now but I’ve decided instead to just say WHAT SHE SAID!

missyjack has written a brilliant review/overview of season six. She captures the very reasons why I was so excited by the season ( Read more... )

s6 musings

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winsangel June 24 2011, 16:38:29 UTC
I read MJ's blog a few days ago and it does bring to light a lot of what I had questions about regarding the "noir" season. I already blabbed about it to her so I won't repeat all that...I'll just say that it wasn't such a huge disappointment to me like it has been to some. They had to reboot somehow, and actually I think it was brilliant they way it was done, ending up with Cas being the culprit to most of what happened during the season. Pretty cool turn of events there. Now if they boys can just get him back to our Angel of Thursday without killing him, I couldn't handle that. Dean has never given up on his brother(s).

That HUG was the bestest ever, and I told the Js that in LA this year (to which they did a little fist bump)! I asked about the amulet also, and Jensen said they have no influence over the writers, but when I brought up that it would make sense for it to come back now, he agreed with me. Since then he has said he doesn't think it will be back, so boooooo to that; sometimes I think these writers don't think about what the fans want at all.

Nope, we didn't get the Grand Canyon (but may this season with the new theme they are going with), and Nope we didn't washing the Impala shirtless (damn what's it gonna take for that)??? :D

The brotherly bond has come back, and they have mutual respect for each other and what each has gone through. Lots of character growth for Sam finally - it's long overdue.

Dean's sadness over so many things was heartbreaking again to watch. He's lost everyone he's ever loved, but at least he got Sam back twice. There will probably never be a HEA for our boys, so they're just gonna keep on doing with they do best and make the best of it.

And before I get busy and forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it's a great one!


ash48 June 25 2011, 12:18:19 UTC

MJ has a way of capturing everything so eloquently. I always love her observations.

Now if they boys can just get him back to our Angel of Thursday without killing him, I couldn't handle that.

Of wow... I didn't consider that. I can't even imagine them going down that route... is known for killing off characters... so. Ack! It's not beyond them.

and I told the Js that in LA this year

Woot! How awesome! Good for you... And they did a fist bump?! Doubly awesome! No amulet though... :(( I reckon they'll bring it back in the very last episode ever. Just to appease the fans. I hope anyway.

I read a fic where Sam had a new one made and gave it to Dean.... I like that idea. I doubt he would still have the old one after all this time.

Thanks for the birthday wishes! *smish*


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